59. Christening - ✭ Monica ✭

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I'm practically dragging Boston into my bedroom, not paying attention to my father's clear warning. His voice was taught, near angry at the suggestion Boston should take a shower and eat. What he didn't understand is that I planned on showering with him, helping him wash off all the filth from the last week.

He closes the door behind us saying, "I take it your room has a shower since you're dragging me in here. If it doesn't then I'm sorry because your dad is right. I am in desperate need of a shower. I stink, like... I can even smell myself." He's not wrong but I don't care.

"Yes, it has a shower." I start stripping out of my clothes which makes his eyes widen. "What? I'm showering with you. I don't want to spend another moment without you, even it's while you shower."

"Monica, I don't know if that's such a great idea. I'm pretty sure your dad will kick my ass." It is a strong possibility that he'd want to do it but I'd never let him actually do it.

"I won't let him lay a hand on you." He doesn't look convinced. "Boston, take your clothes off." His brow raises in surprise. "Now."

He lets out a long whistle followed by, "yes, ma'am." When he starts to strip I head into the bathroom to turn on the shower. "I don't know if you really want to shower with me." His voice is coming up behind me. "I seriously fucking stink, Monica, you don't have to be nice about it. I legitimately smell like a horse's ass."

I arch a brow. "Are you familiar with what a horses ass smells like?"

"I actually have a cologne called Horse De Poo Poo, so yes, I'm familiar, thank you very much." I belt out a laugh at that.

"I see you didn't lose your humor." He just smiles at that and for some reason I notice we're having this conversation completely naked. "I guess we really are married, huh?"

"What, you're just now realizing this because of horse shit cologne?"

"No, because we're just chilling in the bathroom, butt-ass naked, talking about horse shit cologne like we're talking about the weather." It's his turn to let out a laugh. "I'm just saying that's a whole other level of comfortable."

"Yeah, we've always been comfortable around each other, so there's that." He walks around me and sticks his hand in the shower, checking the temperature. "You trying to scald my skin off?" I roll my eyes as he turns the nob, lowering the temperature. "I have to take a piss wicked fucking bad. I don't know if you want to watch that but it's happening regardless."

"We may be comfortable with each other and I'm flattered that you want me to watch you urinate and all, but I'm all set." I hop into the warmth of the shower, finally being able to feel it after a week of Boston being missing. I would just soak myself and cry the majority of the time I'd shower. The skin scalding temperature Boston had originally felt didn't feel so hot when sitting down in the tub. After a full minute I can still hear Boston unleashing his bladder. "Jesus," I poke my head out and see Boston's bare ass as he continues, "that is the longest piss of all time. Guinness book status."

"Yeah, well," he cocks his head over his shoulder to look at me as he finishes with a couple of shakes, "I've been in a fucking cell for about a week with nothing to piss and shit in but a bucket. So, you know, I may have tried to hold it for as long as possible." That statement makes me wince thinking about whatever conditions he was staying in. He comes to the shower and jerks the curtain open, signaling for me to move out of the water. "Move your ass."

"Rude." But I move regardless because he definitely needs it more than me.

He lets out a long, exhausted sounding breath of relief as the water hits his broad chest. I watch as he leans forward, hands on the wall in front of him, and hangs his head down for the water to hit his hair. His neck rolls from side to side relishing in the feeling of the steady stream. I study the ink on his back until he pushes off the wall to stand straight. Eventually, he turns around and looks heavenward. There's so much going on in those eyes, so many different emotions. I can't quite put my finger on a single, particular one.

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