35. What It Looks Like - ✭ Boston ✭

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I hang up the phone with Monica before tossing it in my suit pocket. I can feel the irritation flowing through me like it was it's own personal entity. Louisa has messaged me several times to tell me how excited she is and every single one of those messages felt like a giant betrayal to Monica.

If the shoe were on the other foot I would be pissed. If she wanted to go to an event with another male, especially an attractive one, I would not be anywhere near thrilled. If she had to spend an evening arm in arm, sitting beside him, I'd fucking loathe it.

I don't find Louisa enticing in particular but she is a beautiful woman. She's also got a very intimidating personality, it's bold and very 'in your face'. She's much like her father in that regard and she's rather forward. She's tried to get handsy with me before but it never went anywhere. Plus, I think she had had too much to drink. I doubt she even remembers the instance.

After grabbing my keys I drive to her place. It's a swanky condo that she lives in. Being the gentleman I most certainly don't feel like being, I walk up and knock on her door. She opens up after a minute.

"Well well well, look at what the cat dragged in." No, look at what my father made drag himself to your front door. "You want to come in for a bit before we head to the gala? Have a few drinks and catch up?"

"No, I think it's better if we just go straight there." She frowns so I add, "you know how my father is, always punctual."

"You're not wrong. My father is much the same way. But I can't imagine you follow much of your father's rules anymore." She grabs ahold of one of my lapels and then smoothes her hand out over my chest. "Not with you being so grown now." There's a hint of something in her voice that has me stepping backward.

"Nope. No one can convince me into doing something I don't want to do these days." She takes the hint, turning to lock her door, before we head back down to the car.

The ride to the venue isn't far. It's being held at my friend Torey's father's casino. Well, one of his fathers, considering he has two. It's a bit of a complicated situation but I'm sure both of them and their wife will be there tonight. Maybe even Adri will be there and can drag my date off to do whatever it is she wants to do.

"So, I saw that you're seeing someone."

"Yeah, I'm with someone. Happily taken." Married actually.

She doesn't respond to that as I park the car in front of the valet. I get out and go swiftly over to her side to open the door for her. I hold out a hand to her which she gladly takes.

"Ever the gentleman, Boston. Look at you."

"I do what I can." To accentuate the point I jut out an elbow for her to take. She wraps her arm around mine happily as we enter. Once we're in the room someone immediately takes our picture.

"Here, take one for me." She hands the photographer her phone which he frowns at. "Now, please." She poses, snuggling herself even closer to my side while he snaps a few shots. She snatches the phone back. "Thanks."

"I don't think it's his job to take people's personal pictures, Louisa." She scrolls through them as we make our way forward.

"We look so good together. Do you want me to send you the pictures?"

"No. I'm good."

She pouts saying, "I'm sending them to you anyway. You look extremely dapper. Especially with me on your arm." I don't say anything as I walk us over to our assigned table.

This is going to be a long night.


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