Chapter 1

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Third pov (with reki):

Reki wasn't usually a morning person. Not many people are unless you have to get up to go to work or school, or just feel the need to be up at the ungodly hour that is 6 am. However, today was different. It was reki's sixteenth birthday today, meaning he would be able to see what his soulmate looked like! All his life Reki had been told about soulmates and had heard stories of people meeting their soulmates, and immediately finding happiness. Would she be pretty? Tall? Short? Would ge already know her? All he cared about most was that she would like skateboarding, or at least be willing to try it. Putting his thoughts aside for the time being, he walked to the kitchen and looked at the clock which read 6:23 am. He yawned and rubbed the remaining sleep from his eyes, then wandered over to the fridge only noticing the bento box and pancakes already layed out on a plate over the counter when he turned back around. He also found a note next to them reading:

"Reki! Happy birthday! Im really sorry i cant be there this year, we had an emergency at work, and your sisters dont have school today. I've already called a babysitter, and she should be there before you leave. Eat as many pancakes as you want, i made enough for you, your sisters, and the baby sitter, so make sure she eats some too! Dont forget your bento box! I love you reki! Have a good birthday, and tell me what your soulmate looks like if you get to see them!! ~ mom"

"Thanks mom!" Reki quietly said to himself, taking a pancake in each hand and shoving one into his mouth taking a huge bite out of it.

After a couple minutes, he had eaten his pancakes, and rushed back to his room preparing to see his soulmate! He got dressed for school and hyped himself up, but not too much, because if they were younger he wouldn't be able to see them until they were 16 too. He cooled down again before walking into the bathroom with his hands covering his eyes. He did stumble a couple times, but got up almost as quickly.

'She's gonna be so pretty! And even if she doesn't know how to skateboard, i can teach her! We'll go to S and win a bunch of matches! No matter what she looks like, to me she's the prettiest! And we're gonna work out if thats what the universe decides!' A million other thoughts filled the excited teen's mind as he slowly took his hands off his face, but kept his eyes closed. He was scared. 'What if i already know them and they don't like me? No. It'll be ok. Just breathe.... Ok... now.. OPEN!!'

He was beyond shocked when he opened his eyes to see a tall, handsome, periwinkle/blue haired boy in the mirror standing next to him. In fact he was so startled that he had stumbled backwards and tripped over his own feet. Now, lets not say that reiki didnt think the boy wasn't good looking, he just didn't expect it to be.. well... a boy.

He did have a crush on a boy one, but it didn't last long, as he had to move away, but before he did, reki confessed, but the boy just said he was disgusting, and they never spoke again.

But reki has a feeling about his soulmate. They've gotta be kind, and accepting if he's his soulmate! 'He looks foreign though..' reki thought, after getting back up and looking at the mirror once again. 'Mom said that there's a chance i might never meet my soulmate in person if they live too far.' He continued with a sad smile. He really wanted to get to know him, he seemed nice! And he definitely needs more friends. His only friends at the moment are nowhere near his age. One is thirteen the other is twenty-four.

"Wait.. isn't there supposed to be a new transfer student today?" Reki asked himself recalling the previous morning when he had overheard his teacher and the principal talking about getting a new male transfer student the following day.

'It couldn't be him.. right?' Reiki panicked, because if it really is his soulmate, he would want to make a good first impression! He ran back to his room to get changed and try to fix his hair a little, but to no avail.

"Meh, thats good enough." He told his reflection, then focused his attention to the tall male who he wished was really by his side. "I hope to see you soon!"

With langa (start of the day):

Langa has been 16 for a while now, and every day he checks his mirror to see if his soulmate has come of age yet. He doesn't seem to care what gender they are, just that they'll like him, and wont be too obnoxious.

Today He did his usual routine, getting dressed, eating breakfast, brushing his teeth, then getting his stuff together. He always saves looking in the mirror last, just in case his soulmate is actually there, because being honest, who wants to see their soulmate for the first time while brushing their teeth?

Langa had expected this day to go like any other, where he just looks stupid looking in the mirror in hopes to see the person he wants to spend his life with. However today he actually saw someone, whick almost frightened him, as he was used to just seeing himself.

Although he was scared at first, he found himself almost blushing just at the sight of the boy in the mirror. He was a few inches shorter than the former, with red spikey hair, and a headband. He seemed to have a kind smirk plastered across his lips. He looked quite out going, but not too reckless.

"Im excited to get to know you, soulmate!" Langa happily said to himself before calling for his mom.

"What is it langa?" His mother responded. "I can see him mom! He's beautiful! Just a little shorter than me with cute fluffy red hair!!" Langa turned to his mother for a split second, to show him grinning ear to ear,  before turning back to the beautiful male who he already seemed to like. His mom had always been accepting of her son. In fact, she herself was bi, leaning slightly more towards girls now, and langa was pan, with no preference of gender, just whoever stood out to him.

"Really? Thats wonderful!!" She yelled in joy giving her son a hug from his side, as he still wouldnt turn from the angel in the mirror.

"Where does he look like he's from?" She asked once she pulled away from her son. "I think Japanese!! That means something good might come out of moving here!!!" He yelled in joy, still smiling like a love struck school girl. "Ooh! And he's gotta be in the same grade as you if it's his birthday today! Maybe he goes to your school~" his mom suggested, making langa blush and smile wider, if it was even possible. "I hope so! I really want to meet him, mom! He looks so cool, and he's gotta be popular if he's that beautiful!" "Dang, you already like him that much? You havent even met the kid yet!" She responded giggling.

"You would like him too if you could see him!" The yeti sighed dreamily at his little soulmate. "Well, just because you saw your soulmate doesn't give you any reason to skip school, you're gonna be late! Now, go find that soulmate of yours and bring him home! I want to see the boy who will be taking care of my son!" Said ms. Hasegawa as she shoved langa to the door with his bag on his back, and bento box in hand.

"See you tonight!" She yelled after the boy. "Yeah, bye!" He responded, almost running to school in hopes to meet his soulmate there.

End Cpt. 1

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