Chapter 2

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Third pov (with Reki):

Reki was thinking of the possibilities that the transfer student could be his soulmate. 'They did say that he was from out of town, so there's a chance it could be him. Theres no denying that he was hot. He'll probably be pretty popular with all the girls.' He continued, until he suddenly found himself at the gates of the school. He walked in to change his shoes, and go to class. He started drawing random doodles in his notebook to get his mind off things, and try to get his hopes down, as the possibilities of the transfer student being his soulmate were really slim.

Just as he started cooling down, the bell rang, indicating class was going to start soon. "Alright class, today as a few of you may already know, we are introducing a transfer student, so please be kind to him." The teacher announced while standing up and making his way to the door. "Come on in." He said, gesturing from whoever was outside the door to come in. The suspension was killinh reki, he just wanted to see if it was his soulmate or not.

Slowly the boy entered. The first thing reki noticed was how tall he was. He looked to be a couple inches taller than himself, with periwinkle-blue long hair. Almost the same as.. 'MY SOULMATE!!?' Reiki slapped a hand over his mouth in shock with wide eyes, earning stares from about half the class, while the others were still focused on the new student. One of the students that looked over at him was the new kid himself. He seemed to be just as supprised, but started grinning, starting from a slow half smile, to a full smile to grinning ear to ear, to reki seeing tears of joy forming in the former's eyes.

'I guess he recognizes me too!' Reki silently thought while also starting to smile at his soulmate. The other kids seemed to be kind of confused as to why the boys had already seemed to know eachother.

Just third pov:

"Go ahead and introduce yourself" the teacher said, breaking langa from his moment of joy, in which time he noticed that the only seat open was the one by his supposed soulmate. "Im langa hasegawa." He said, trying to act cool "... anything else?" The teacher asked trying to get to know his new student better. "I just moved here from canada." He responded, staring at reiki again. "Thats it?" The teacher urged. "Is that bad?" Langa asked, just trying to finish as fast as possible so he could sit with his soulmate. "Well, you're not going to be graded for it, so i guess it's fine." The teacher responded, scratching the nape of his neck awkwardly.

"You can go sit by reki, please raise your hand reki!" As expected, the red head raised his hand, now blushing. Langa briskly thanked the teacher and walked to the seat closest to reiki and sat down. "Reki right?" Langa asked for confirmation with a grin. "Yep! Langa, if i can remember right?" Reki responded praying he didnt mess up his  name. "That's me! Does it, by chance, happen to be your birthday today?" The blue haired boy asked his classmate.

"It.. is.. then you really are... my soulmate!" Reiki happily concluded with a grin. "REALY!!?" Langa yelled supprised, yet happily.  "Langa, is reki disturbing you?" The teacher asked, pausing his lesson. "No sir, im just happy about something he told me!" Langa returned gladly standing up, and glancing back to his seat mate for a second. "Oh? Care to share what it is?" The teacher pushed, causing langa to go into a slight panic. "Umm no, its not that important, sorry for disturbing class sir." Langa bowed.

"Its quite alright, just try to calm yourslef" the teacher chuckled, and continued to write on the board. "What are the chances we'd meet here?" Reki asked, still somewhat in shock. "I dont know, but I'm glad we did. And happy birthday by the way!" Langa added, smiling at reiki. "Oh! Thanks!" Reiki sheepishly said, looking away to try and hide his blush. "Of course! And, i know this might seem sudden, but do you, maybe, want to.. i dunno, come over to my house after school? You dont have to if you dont want to! Please dont feel like im forcing you to do anything, thats the last thing i would want." Langa started twiddling his thumbs nervously, now blushing darker than reki's hair. 

"Woah! Cool down, i didn't feel like you were forcing me anyways. You seem like a nice guy! Also, i'll take you up on that offer of going to your house, but only if you come to mine after. Deal?" Reki holds his hand out as an indication to shake it, and make the deal complete. Langa reaches for his hand, and holds onto it for a split second, before remembering the deal. He blushes, and shakes his hand. "Deal!" He said, excited to get to know his soulmate better.

End Cpt. 2
Im going to start making chapters shorter, so i can finish them sooner~

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