11. Where I end and you begin | NSFW

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He's been constructing scenarios for the evening ahead that he is surprised to see a hotel in sight in Ten Trinity square

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He's been constructing scenarios for the evening ahead that he is surprised to see a hotel in sight in Ten Trinity square.

It's an impressive front, Four seasons at its most luxurious, you could hear music coming from inside, the kind of rolling jazz they always play in hotel lobbies or elevators. Lennon will probably already be in there looking like he's been stood up, but he knows William would be late, so he'll wait. 

Suddenly all his preparations flee his mind, William enters the hotel and sees Lennon sitting at the bar, colourful shirt and black jeans, black Converse, long hair pulled up in a bun, glass of some clear spirit with ice in front of him. He stops. Part of him is screaming to turn around, but he knows deep inside his future is in there.

"Hey. I'm sorry, I was stuck in traffic." William approaches Lennon and they look at each other with smiles on their faces. Most of the anxiety disappears.

"That's alright. I wasn't waiting long."  Lennon reassures him as he turns his whole body on a high bar swivel chair toward William. Their styles are currently a complete opposite and William is self conscious in his crisp suit. Well, he left the jacket at the house, but the shirt and well-tailored trousers still make him overdressed in Lennon's casual glory. He just takes the seat next to him, no hug no hand shake, it's too awkward for any of that and he thinks touching him in any way will just confuse him even more.

"I desperately need another drink."  He looks for the staff in the bar, " Excuse me."

"Mister Hamilton-Smith. Good evening. The usual?" The bartender asks.

"Sure. Just make it double," William says to the bartender and notices questions on Lennon's smiling face. He hasn't stopped smiling sweetly since William joined him.

"I had a really long day. I was at my sister's engagement party." and also Lennon is making him nervous but he doesn't admit that.

"I get it, family can get stressful. So how did you get my number? Liam, I presume?" Lennon sips his drink and looks amusingly at William like he just realises that William is already quite tipsy.

"Yeah actually. You don't mind?" William's insecurity creeps in.

"No, of course not, I was thinking about contacting you too but... I just didn't. You know. Anyway..."  Lennon wants to say that he doesn't want to make William upset after what happened, he doesn't really know how to act, would William be comfortable around him. And William understands all that from only looking at Lennon's face.

"Anyway." William laughs and that makes Lennon laugh too, so they are just looking at each other smiling like idiots and if someone would ask them what's funny they wouldn't know what to tell them.

"Fancy hotel? That Broadway must pay a lot." Lennon says looking around the fancy bar. And William doesn't want to say his family is so rich that he doesn't really have to work a day in his life and he is part owner of this hotel chain. It will only make Lennon ask questions he doesn't want to answer. Reminded of his father and the conversation from earlier this evening, he downs his double Glenlivet and welcomes the taste.

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