Chapter Five

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Sol stood quietly and looked across the borough that he found refuge in

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Sol stood quietly and looked across the borough that he found refuge in. A thick slate of fog slowly crept its way towards the village ground; smothering the view, as the sky cascaded into darkness. He walked across the snow slowly, the emerald jeweled sword grasped tightly in his hand and approached the still village. As he came close, the sky had only darkened further. It had only taken a few minutes for Sol to realize that his breathing was ragged, and a flame began to cut through the heart of the village like a knife, drawing dangerously close to him.

A large sea of flames began to spread across the green expanse of the forest, engulfing it, devouring it. Sol watched as the trees that once sheltered so many with its canopy was beginning to shred to pieces, the smoldering flames climbed the trees, winding and wrapping its way around the forest's shelter like a step-ladder.

The forest shrieked, its shrubbery burning to a crisp as the hot flames tightened its grip on the bark. It ripped through the skin of the trees, and its defenseless branches, devouring tree by tree in the searing heat like a starving beast. He was trapped.

"Ying?" Sol called out, walking into the heart of the village. The smell of hot sulfur engulfing the air, his lungs, in a tight, breathless hug. The blade began to sizzle, and become hot molten lava; he gasped and dropped it with a clatter, reaching to look at his hand; searing burns on his palm.

"Shit!" he groaned , but didn't have time to think about it. A sudden flock of black crows soared above him in a haze, darting through the skies like bullets. And then in moments, they fell like rotten corpses of the fowl landing in front of him.

Then he saw it again. The huge scaled body crawled towards him, its armored scales shone in the blaring light of the embers of the village. Sol had a feeling that the beast wouldn't stop, it wouldn't rest. Not until it achieved one thing. It's golden eyes glared directly towards him, closer and closer it crawled to Sol. He was all alone, this was it.

The only thing this brute wanted was to kill. Deep down he knew, it wanted Sol's heart on a silver platter.

Sol gasped awake.

He jerked himself up from the nightmare and looked across the room in a cold sweat. He was paranoid that the horror may have followed him here too. His heart pounded, like he'd raced miles within minutes, it was ready to be torn from his chest, leaving a gaping hole just like the bird had.

The woven, decorative tapestries that clung from the walls was one of the only things that reminded him that he was safe from the Spitfyre beast. He laid back in the chair and rubbed his eyes to fully awaken himself. It wasn't real. It wasn't

But it felt like it.

"Sol? Are you okay?"

Sol turned, and his tired eyes met Ying's. "I.. Yeah. It was just a nightmare." He gave a reassuring smile and grasped her hand close.

The Black Scales of Spitfyre (The Spitfyrian Saga #1)          Where stories live. Discover now