What is Anjali's plan ??

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Khushi woke up earlier . She came down and saw Anjali instructing Hariprakash something and Mami making the breakfast . 

Khushi : Mrs . Jha ... I want you to make kheer , from your hand only . 

Anjali : Why would I do that just because you told me ??

Khushi : Be ... (cut by Anjali)

Anjali :(rolling her eyes) Fine !! Don't repeat the same thing again and again . I am going to make kheer (sarcastically) from my hand only and not by cutting any other persons hand .

Saying she went to the kitchen while Khushi was left confused as Anjali went to make kheer without any arguments but she didn't concentrate on it much . 



Anjali :(stirring the milk , in mind)  Ask me whatever you want Mrs . ASR , you will be served with it as today I am gonna implement my plan and I really don't want to delay with my plan . You always told its your house na ??  So be ready to name this beautiful mansion and your lovely husbands company on my name . 

Her thoughts were disturbed as her phone rang . She was going to pick up the phone but she stopped in mid seeing mami preparing morning tea for all . 

Anjali : Mami why are you doing so much ?? I will do it . You go and rest .

Mami : Hello Hi Bye Bye Anjali bitiya . Why will you do everything ?? That phati saadi (torn saree) gave you so much work and she said na that we both need to do everything , so I will do it and give this tea to all ... you continue with your kheer . 

Anjali : But mami .... (cut by mami)

Mami : No if and but . Do as I say . Whatever it is I have made breakfast already ... only your kheer is left . So you make this I will go and serve everyone with tea . 

Anjali : Okay !!

After few minutes , Mami left from there taking cups of tea and coffee with her in a tray . Anjali sighed and called back the person who was calling her . 


Yea ?? Is everything ready ??


Good . And ya I don't want any mess to happen or Arnav to know about all this . Maybe Khushi is childish but not Arnav .... He is very sharp - minded . Maybe he will send body guards with her so make the plan accordingly .


I don't care if she dies or survives .... all I need is AR and Shantivan on my name . 


I don't know . I think she will leave today because I heard her talking to her mom that she will be coming today to their place . 


I will message you when she leaves .


Hmm ... ok . And what about the girls ??


When will the money come ??


Okay !! Have you given the dealer my account number ??


Oh ya !! This is a good idea !! Go forward with that . Join Khushi with those girls as well .


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