Up Late

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"What is going on here?" A  voice asked from the doorway. I turned to see Fury standing in the room. He looked at me, Loki and Bruce. "Oh, still? I thought the situation was handled."

"Unfortunately, Tony is a psycho and didnt make it easy." I said. Fury stared at the conglomeration of chemicals and materials floating next to me.

"What the hell is that?" He asked, pointing to the mass. I moved it toward him.

"All the shit Tony put in that weapon."

"Damn." Fury walked around it, examining it closely.

"And now, the freaking bismuth isnt wanting to come out. Not without a fight." I added, leaning against the table for a moment. I was tired, I hadn't really done this kind of intense work before. As much as my hands and head hurt, I wasnt going to stop until Loki was bismuth free.

"Sounds fun. Just checking that yall aren't killing someone down here. It sounded like you were."

"Nope, just ripping freaking bismuth out of a god's bloodstream, nothing out of the ordinary." I replied, thinking of how insane the situation was. Fury gave a small laugh and trined around, leaving us to work.

"Right. Back to that." I put my hands back where they were and started pulling again. This time, it was a bit harder. Perfect. It gets more difficult every time. I kept going, trying my best not to hurt Loki. I saw the dark black veins begin to disappear as I pulled down. As I continued, I could tell he was doing everything to keep from reacting.  I saw him clench his fists as I dragged down, using all my strength. I had barely gotten it out of his left shoulder, when my head began to hurt, even more. It felt like someone had stabbed me in my head. I put my palm to my temple and tried to get rid of the pain.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" Loki asked, quietly. I nodded and tried to focus on the bismuth. Every movement I made with it, hurt my hands and head immensely. I had it finally removed from his other shoulder, when I had an idea.

"Here, sit up, it might make it easier, and less painful." He sat up, facing me. I put my hands back to where I had the bismuth collected, and started working to bring it into one spot. It was in the middle of his chest, and looked like a black mass from under his skin. As it passed down the center of his chest, he leaned back, shouting in agony.

"FUCK!" He screamed, eyes watering. The black mass moved around, seemingly on it's own. I pulled it back into the center and worked quicker, trying to minimize the amount of pain. I pulled down, as hard as I could, dragging the mass down to his open wound, only causing more pain. He cried in pain once more, as I swiftly jolted back, freeing his body of the bismuth. It shot back, propelled by the force I had used to get it out, and flew into the wall behind me.

"Holy shit!" I looked at the hole in the wall, then to Loki. He looked better, no dark veins were creeping up his body, and his wound looked somewhat better. His eyes were closed and he was breathing heavily, holding his stomach. My head was pounding and my hands felt like they were set on fire. Bruce was staring at the wall, stunned.

"I think you did it, Y/N!" He said, stepping next to Loki. Loki opened his eyes and brought his hand away from his torso. He looked at me and smiled a pained smile. I stepped  closer, looking for any left over bismuth. I blinked, my eyes weren't focusing, my vision was blurry. My head felt like it was squeezing itself, and my hands were shaking. I started to get dizzy.

"Oh shit" I said, quietly. The next thing I knew, my legs gave out from underneath me. A pair of strong hands grabbed me before I hit the ground. Then, everything went black.

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