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"Yeah, getting sucked into the vacuum of space isn't the way I'd like to go out..." Tony said, stepping up to the hole again. Loki started searching around the control panel of the ship.

"Wait, were in space?" I asked, looking around.

"Yep." Tony replied, sealing the hole with his suit.


"We have to land this ship. JARVIS, where are we?" Tony started speaking to the AI in his suit, walking to the control panel. Loki stepped back and Tony pressed random buttons on the panel. 

"Alright, were taking a trip to Titan. Its gonna be a bumpy ride, JARVIS says that some stuff was taken out." He turned to me, as Loki walked to my side. "You two know anything about that?" he asked, smiling.

"No idea." I joked. 

"Wait, your leg." Loki said, leaning back to look behind me at my leg. Shoot. Forgot about that. I turned my leg over, to examine my cut. Surely it wasn't as bad as it looked.

"Right." I stepped slowly out of my suit. Okay, not that bad. The cut took up half of my lower calf, and was a pretty clean one. "Its not that bad." I remarked, looking down. 

"Here..." Tony stepped forward and aimed his arm at my leg. A fine mist sprayed out, coating my leg. Slowly, the cut began to disappear. 

"Awesome." Peter commented as he watched the cut heal itself.  

"Whoa, thanks." I said. Tony gave me a small smile and went back to the control panel and I turned back to Loki, Peter and Stephen. I walked over to a set of stairs. "Welp, I assume getting to Titan is going to take a while." I sat down, making a energy sword, and working to find ways to make it more effective. Peter shrugged and made a hammock of webs, suspending himself between two walls. Stephen walked to where Tony was and the two began to speak. Loki walked over and sat next to me. 

"Quick thinking with the apple illusion thingy." I said, turning to him. "that was you, right?" 

"Yes, and thanks." He replied, smiling. "and, great idea, the fake stone." 

"Thanks." I said, looking back to the blade. I focused on it, making another, smaller blade appear on top. I shook my head and made it disappear. 

"How do you do that?" Loki asked, watching me move the energy around. I looked at him and shrugged. 

"Don't know, I mean, I have been able to do his since I was a kid." I replied, toying with the blade. I held it out to him and he took it, cautiously and stared at it. The blade was dark and slightly opaque, with dots of color in it. I leaned back on my hands as he ran his hand down the side of the blade. "You could imagine my parent's surprise when they found their daughter making balls of matter instead of playing with dolls." I said. Surprise, more like fear. How someone can fear their own child still confuses me to this day.

"That must have been a strange sight." He replied, still looking at the blade.


"You're very powerful." He said, my face got hot. I turned to him and smiled warmly.

"Thanks." He nodded and smiled, looking back down. "You're pretty powerful, too."

"Thank you, but I must disagree." He replied, handing the blade back to me.

"Oh, come on. You're great! You absolutely destroyed Cull Obsidian!"

"That was all you."

"Dont be modest, you did most of the work." I looked to him and smiled. He shook his head.

"Not really..." I put my hand on his shoulder, reassuringly.

"You were awesome. Don't be so hard on yourself." I smiled warmly and looked into his eyes. He had a sad look in his eyes, it reminded me of someone I knew long ago. He gave me a weak smile and looked down.

"Thank you." He looked back up. "You're a very kind mortal."

"And you're a very kind god." I replied. His face went a tinge red and he looked down quickly.


We had arrived, well nearly crashed on Titans surface. As we stepped out of the ship, a group of people ambused us.

"Tony?" A man said, stepping back.

"Jeez, Quill, what the hell?" Tony said, as the person who had put a gun to my head stepped back. 

"Hey, guys!" I said, turning around. Drax smiled and then turned to Quill.

"We thought you guys were Thanos' friends." Quill explained.

"Well, were not." Tony replied.

"Okay, so now what?" Rocket said, stepping away from Loki.

"Thanos is going to Vormir. When he gets back, hes coming here." Quill continued. "Well just have to wait till then."

"Okay." Tony said, looking around. "Let's make a plan, then." The others nodded and we began discussing a plan.

We had all agreed on one plan, when Stephen stopped using the time stone.

"Out of every single possible future..." he walked to us, solemnly. "Out of all fourteen million six hundred and five futures that I saw," he turned to Tony. "We were only successful in one." I felt my heart drop to the floor. One?  It had just occurred to me how intense the situation was. I was going to help stop a Titan from ending the world, an insane change from what I used to do, but certainly a change for the better.

Sorry there are so few Loki parts, I PROMISE it will pick up. I gotta get all the stuff out of the way before the big events happen, which I PROMISE they will, DW.  I have VERY big plans for the next few chapters.....👀 👀 👀 👀

[Also, I haven't watched Infinity War in a hot minute so sorry if anything is inaccurate lmao]

Me, realizing I haven't added any cute Loki moments yet:

Me, realizing I haven't added any cute Loki moments yet:

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Ebony Maw, when he gets yeeted into space:

Ebony Maw, when he gets yeeted into space:

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