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That night, sleep did not come easy, and I made sure to slip out of the house before Lindsay or Jessica woke up. My mind kept pondering the surprise confession that I received last night. Jessica was jealous. Of a girl. That wanted to sleep with me.

That didn't just mean nothing. Sure, since I saw her kissing that girl at the bar, I hadn't been able to stop thinking about her sexually, but that was all it was. Sexual attraction. Nothing would ever happen romantically between us. That was utterly ridiculous. I was her daughter's best friend, her student and half her age! 

I reached home, mentally and emotionally exhausted, collapsing into the heaven that was my couch. I hadn't stopped by in a day or two, and wanted to catch up with my Dad and Hamish. Blocking the invading thoughts from my mind, I strolled down the hall to Hamish's bedroom and knocked twice before letting myself in. Let just say, that was not a good idea. You do not, and I repeat, do not want to enter a teenage boys bedroom early in the morning without a reasonable amount of warning. I was officially scarred for life, and hid in the hallway for a few minutes until he dealt with his situation

Five or so minutes later, he emerged from his room with his face as red as a tomato. I just laughed at his reaction, him probably being even more embarrassed than I was. We both decided to just forget about that awkward encounter, instead we situated ourselves in the kitchen, him sitting his lazy ass in a stool, while I cooked breakfast for us. 

"What's up with you?" I asked, and added, "No pun intended." He spat his water for miles after choking on it as I watched in amusement. 

After he regained some composure, he responded, "Not much. Same old, same old, I guess."

"Wow, that's descriptive. Have you done any homework?"

"Not yet. I've had a headache for the past couple of days."

"Excuses, excuses," I answered, and slid him over a plate containing a reasonably well cooked omelette. The conversation seemed to die after that, but it wasn't awkward, just a calm and relaxed atmosphere as we ate.

Hamish pardoned himself after we finished breakfast, and scurried back to his room. I got ready for a day of work and ran into my Dad as I was on my way out. 

"Hey Alex. Will you be back home tonight?" he asked, and gave me a kiss on the cheek. 

"I will, Dad. I've missed you guys too much, so I guess you're stuck with me for a few days."

"Fantastic. I love you, be safe at work," he shouted after me as I left for the bar.


My shift was meant to be short. 12pm-7pm. Not even peak time. Unfortunately, one of the bartenders called in sick and I was stuck at work 'til about 10pm. Not too late, but by the time I finally got home I was absolutely enervated. Without as much as taking off my clothes, I fell onto my bed and crashed for the night.

I was awoken at about 5am to the sound of annoyingly happy birds chirping loudly near my window. Who was happy at 5am on a Sunday? Like, seriously

Unable to fall back asleep, I dressed in some light gym clothes and went for a jog. When I say jog, I mean 3 minutes of jogging followed by about 20 minutes of walking as I caught my breath. I wasn't really a runner, but I enjoyed being active and the outdoors, so gave it a try every-now-and-then. 

As I was approaching my house, I saw a cute girl, a few years younger than myself, walking away from the front door as Hamish closed it behind her. Good on him for finding a cute girlfriend. I was about to cross the street when I was bowled over my some maniac. They landed on top of me, body pressed against my own.

I looked to their face, and of course it was the one and only, Jessica Caldwell. She stuttered cutely and jumped off me, apologising profusely. As she stood towering above me, I couldn't help but notice her appearance. She was in a light pink sports top with matching Under Armour sports shorts that were so incredibly short. Damn. 

She giggled slightly and was blushing amply when I looked back to her face. Did I say that out loud? 

"Yes," she said, and I groaned, lifting myself from the footpath. I made sure to forcibly keep my mouth shut as I stood next to her.

"Sorry," I offered nervously. I was not sorry at all, but now she definitely knew I was checking her out, if she didn't already. 

"I guess I'll see you later, Jessica." She shivered slightly, and I immediately unwrapped the jacket that was tied around my waist, putting it over her shoulders in an effort to warm her up. 

"Oh, no, I'm not cold," she stated. I raised an eyebrow at her and she just shrugged. She slipped the jacket off and held it out for me. I don't know why, but I told her to keep it before running into my house.


The next few days were more exhausting than the weekend prior. I was working long nights, then being at school all day, which only gave me a couple hours of decent sleep a night.

By Thursday, I was barely functioning. I had made it through all of my classes without falling asleep so far, and was in my last class of the day, Advanced History.

I didn't even have enough energy to check Jessica out. That is next level tired. I felt myself slowly drifting to sleep at the sound of her soothing voice talking about some gibberish that was making me bored and even more tired.

Eventually, I just caved in, and fell into the comfort of a relaxing sleep that I had been craving all week.

Nearly a half hour later, I was awoken my a soft hand caressing my shoulder. I leaned into it and moaned gently, the warmth of it leaving my skin almost instantly. My eyelids fluttered open to reveal Jessica leaning over my desk, trying to wake me.

I immediately had to draw my eyes away from her cleavage as it was on full display due to the way she was leaning.

She had seemed to have caught my lingering gaze as we locked eyes and stared at each other intensely for what felt like light years, but in reality were mere seconds.

Something dropping on the floor brought my attention away from Jessica's soul-searching stare. A pen slowly rolled away from my table along the hard wood floors.

I knew what was going to happen before it even did, but still couldn't pull my eyes away. Time seemed to slow down dramatically when Jessica bent over to retrieve the pen from the ground.

I stared at her ass and legs and had to consciously hold myself in my chair to stop myself from jumping her.

My eyes must've held pure lust as she looked over her shoulder and into them. I saw a flicker of something in her pale blue orbs and realised, she knew what she was doing to me.

I took that as a challenge and stood up beside my table. I made sure to look around the room and to the door to ensure we were alone, before I stalked towards her as if she was my prey.

Her ass hit the front of her desk and there was nowhere else for her to go. I didn't give it a second thought before plastering my lips onto her own.

The kiss held fire, and I made sure to give it all I had. I trailed my right hand ever so slightly down her torso, getting closer and closer to the top of the black dress pants she had on today.

I hooked a finger in the waistband of her pants before ceasing my movements and moving my mouth beside her ear.

"Don't be a tease," I breathed, then walked out the door leaving her dishevelled and horny.

Karma's a bitch.

Hope you enjoyed this update!

Things are starting to heat up 🔥🔥

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- T.J Starc

The Teacher: AKA My Best Friend's Mom (GxG) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now