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*Alex's POV*

"We need to talk." The words that nobody wants to hear. They are always followed by tragedy. Someone died, they want to break up with you, they hid a secret. No matter who says those four words, I still feel a shiver rush down my spine every time I hear them.

This time was no exception. I grabbed a glass of water before Jessica and I sat on one of the sofas. The oven clock shone 12:58am, and I started to feel tired. I took a deep breath before focusing my attention on the beauty sitting next to me.

"I want to talk about what happened in my room," she started. I didn't interrupt, instead let her continue talking. "You can't just come into my room, especially if Lindsay is here. We kissed a couple of times, but they didn't mean anything. We can't do anything else. There are so many things that would just cause us both a lot of trouble if we do anything further. So please, Alex, can we just remain how we are. You're my student, my daughter's best friend, and my friend, but nothing more, okay?"

I don't know why this pained me so much to hear, but I felt as though I had been shot in the heart by a bow and arrow. However, Jessica obviously didn't want this, whatever is was, to continue, and I was still confused about my feelings, so I agreed.

"Just friends," I stated and smiled. It was a smile so fake that I don't even think she believed it.


I woke up and headed downstairs earlier than usual the next day. I discovered that nobody had woken yet, and I started with my day.

I cooked up some not-so-nutritional breakfast for us all as well as brewing some coffee. The coffee must have awoken the beasts as both Lindsay and Jessica trudged down the stairs looking ready for the day.

"Wow! This looks delicious, thanks Alex," Lindsay praised and dug into her food. Jessica looked surprised, but sat and ate anyway.

After they finished their breakfasts, I pulled three containers out of the refrigerator and placed one in front of each of us.

"I made some lunch for each of us today. Chicken Caesar Salad. I promise it's good," I smiled. Lindsay danced like a goof to the sink to place the plates as she started singing about eating something 'yummy-yummy' for lunch.

She gave me a hug as Jessica got ready to leave for work.

"Ugh, where are my keys?" She mumbled, frustrated.

"Sitting on the table next to the sofa," I answered nonchalantly. She just looked up at me before picking up her keys- which were exactly where I said they were- and headed for the door.

"Wait up," I called out, "you're forgetting these." I walked up to Jessica and handed her the folder of assessment reports.

"Thanks," she murmured quietly and fled out the door.

I walked back into the kitchen and Lindsay was looking at me oddly.

"What? Is there something on my face?"

"No, no. You're just acting all Wifey," she sang in a sing-song voice.

Before I had the chance to blush, I spun around and began washing the dishes.

"I-it's nothing," I stuttered. But really, who was I trying to fool?


I stood at the back of the memorial, trying my best to remain inconspicuous.

Hundreds of students stood crowded on the football field as the school held a public funeral for Nick and Brad. There stood a little makeshift stage about 50 yards from where I was located, which family and friends of the boys used to address the crowd.

I felt guilty just standing there, but I knew it would be rude to walk off. The memorial included eulogies, flower-laying and condolences. After a few hours of the school day was wasted, the principal decided to resume the rest of the day like normal.

I only had two more classes left, but I was already ready to go home and curl up in a tight ball underneath my warm blanket. While bathing in the imagination of my utopia, I was nudged in the elbow and realised I was still in the swarm of students splitting off to their classes.

My classes seemed to drag on, and on, and on, but before I knew it, the final bell had rung. I caught up to Lindsay outside and we jogged over to the coffee shop down the road before all the tables were taken. We slid into a small booth near the back and I ordered an Iced Chocolate while Lindsay ordered a Caramel Macchiato.

Like usual, we shared gossip about our day and which teachers were pissing us off the most.

"I loved the salad you made for lunch today. Maybe you should make it every day," Lindsay beamed, and I laughed at her noticeable way of trying to persuade me to cook for her.

"Stop being stupid," I said as I tried to smack the pouting expression that Lindsay was wearing.

"Don't be mean, I'm not stupid," she replied in a fake baby-voice.

I made a sarcastic sad face as I commented, "I'm sorry I hurt your feelings when I called you stupid. I really thought you already knew."

Lets just say the onslaught of physical and verbal attacks was remarkable after that statement. We finished up our drinks before driving back to Lindsay's house for dinner and a movie, of my choice, of course.

Jessica had already prepared dinner when we arrived and I thanked her privately before taking a seat at the table. None of us were religious, so didn't bother saying grace, instead we dived into our meals, collectively. My leg grazed Jessica's a few times underneath the table accidentally, and she scooted her chair further away from me as the result.

I sighed and picked up everybody's dishes, carrying them carefully to the sink. Lindsay had pulled out her phone and was probably scrolling through social media, while Jessica just looked at me quizzically. I collected the glassware off the table and walked towards the kitchen.

"Hey Alex, guess what!?" Lindsay yelled like I wasn't standing a few metres away from her. "The police suspended the investigation into Nick and Brad's deaths due to," she scrolled down her screen, exaggeratively, "lack of evidence and leads."

"Huh, that's interesting," I commented, feigning interest. I turned back around to enter the kitchen.

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Nancy White also woke up a few hours ago!" Lindsay shouted.

I became rigid, rooted to the ground.

Something smashing caught my attention, and I looked down to see my feet surrounded by shards of glass. I raised my eye-line up to meet Jessica's and mumbled a small "sorry".

Jessica bustled around to clean up the glass while Lindsay kept asking me if I was okay. However, my mind was swarming with the fact that Nancy was awake.

Nancy was awake.

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More relationship-filled chapters to come soon.

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Keep safe xx

- T.J Starc

The Teacher: AKA My Best Friend's Mom (GxG) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now