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*Alex POV*

I gazed at his childish hairstyle and bright smile. His eyes sparkled, he seemed happy. I tried to locate a moment in time when that changed, but I couldn't, because I was never around.

I was out with Lindsay or by myself, but rarely at home, looking after my baby brother. Staring at the picture caused too many emotions, so I casted my gaze elsewhere.

I was in Hamish's room. It had been 3 long weeks since I temporarily moved in with Lindsay and Jessica, and I convinced myself that it was about time I stop avoiding the topic of Hamish's death.

His room was exactly how he left it. Clothes thrown everywhere, candy wrappers that he tried to hide. It all became too much, and I left the room and walked into my own.

It felt weird calling the room 'my own' since I barely even lived in it. The walls were white, the bedding was simple, and there was no decorations in order to personalize the room. If anything, it looked more like a guest room.

I sat on the bed and heard a slight rustle. I lifted the blanket off the bed and a piece of paper poked out. My heart started to ache, and I was really hoping that this was just some old homework that I forgot to put away.

However, as I lifted it up, I confirmed what I already predicted. It was a suicide note.

Tears started to prick my eyes, yet I controlled them enough to be able to read. I needed to read it.


Please don't be mad, or sad, or angry. I wasn't trying to hurt you or Dad, but I was hurting. The truth is, I have been for a while. The past year and a half to be exact.

That confession made me gasp and start to sob, but I read on.

I was bullied. They were Seniors, Nick Fowler and Brad Connor. It was initially for no apparent reason, they were just assholes. But about a week ago they finally broke me. I was never really interested in relationships, yet when the hottest girl in school, Nancy White, started talking to me, I decided to give it a shot. I invited her over when you and Dad were out. She was all flirty and touchy, but I wasn't really feeling anything. I knew why, I was gay. I hope you're proud :). I started feeling uncomfortable and told Nancy to stop. She got angry and claimed that if I didn't want her than I must of been gay. When she said that, I could feel my face start to heat up, and she raced out of the house. She ended up telling Nick and Brad, and they were worse than ever before. I couldn't let them ruin my life, so I ended it all. I'm sorry. I hope you and Dad can forgive me. I love you both so much.

- Hamish

My sobbing was full-on, and I curled up in a ball on the bed. He was hurting, yet I failed to see any of it. In an instant, I went from being sad to being furious. I knew Nick, Brad and Nancy. They were always picking on people and cussing out the teachers. I never thought that they would pick on my own brother though. But I guess you never know what to expect from people like them. 

The anger flooded my veins and I jumped out of the defeated position that I laid in. I scooped up the note and placed it on the kitchen counter for my Dad to read, before storming out of the house.

It was nearing the end of the school day as I arrived at the front gate. I walked around the school towards the back exit which most of the seniors used to leave. I stayed a few steps back as the bell rung and student started to flee out of the gate. I caught a glimpse of Nancy's curly hair and trailed behind her. I waited about two blocks before I confronted her, pushing her into an alleyway.

"What the fu-" she started, but stopped as she saw me. "Hey Alex, finally changed your mind about getting some of this."

I could feel the bile rising in my throat as I looked at her in disgust.

"My brother's dead," I deadpanned.

She didn't even blink, instead she grinned and whispered, "more chances for us to mess around, hey?"

I didn't think for a second before I brought my fist to her cheek. After the first hit, I couldn't stop. I punched again, and again, and again. In the head, the stomach, the chest, anywhere that I could reach. My anger flooded like a broken dam, and there was no way of stopping it. She fell to the ground and I kicked her, again, and again. All I could see was red. Bright red. Blood.

I stopped and stared done at what was moments ago a flirtatious Nancy. Now, she was bleeding profusely and looked crippled. My heart sank, but not for her, for myself. I looked down to see myself covered in blood and glanced out of the alleyway. No one was near, so I ran the mile to the lake. I bathed in it to soak the blood away, but my clothes were ruined.

I trudged dirty and wet back home, stopping at a public payphone to report where Nancy laid. Although I was mad, I wasn't coldblooded.

I made it back home and discarded all of my clothing, had a shower in the ensuite, then changed into fresh clothes before making my way to Jessica's. As I locked up the house, I discovered that the note was gone, as well as my Dad. I hoped he was alright, before heading to the Caldwell's house.

I arrived at around 9pm to an almost silent house. I beelined straight to the room I was staying in, skipped dinner, and went to sleep, my head pounding.

I woke up the next morning with my head still throbbing, and trudged downstairs. Jessica was behind the kitchen counter and Lindsay was sitting on a bar stool, both of their eyes trained on the news.

This is Gale Cooke reporting. Last night held three vicious attacks.

My ears peaked.

Eighteen-year-old Nancy White was attacked two blocks from her school, early yesterday afternoon. Police believed it was a mugging, until later last night when the bodies of Nick Fowler and Brad Connor, two of her classmates, were found floating in the local lake. If you have any information concerning these crimes, please contact the police immediately. Back to you, Mike.

Lindsay and Jessica stood wide eyed, but I was not surprised. However, the next headline that swiped across the screen shook me.

Attacked student, Nancy White, is in a critical, yet stable condition at the local hospital.

Nancy was alive.

Thanks for reading!

My study is hectic at the moment, but I'll try to publish a few more chapters in the coming weeks.

Vote, comment, continue reading.

Stay safe xx

- T.J Starc

The Teacher: AKA My Best Friend's Mom (GxG) (TeacherxStudent)Where stories live. Discover now