Chapter 20

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"Who are you?"

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"Who are you?"

The question hung in the air between them as Katie wrapped her arms around herself, gripping her elbows as she stared across the space at the man stood in front of the door.

He didn't remember her.

Of course he didn't, she couldn't begin to imagine the amount of times he could have been wiped and reprogrammed since they last met, but part of her had hoped... If he had broken his programming enough to run... But of course, he wouldn't remember her. If he did, he would have killed her on sight.

He still might, she considered as she gazed at him. He looked angry, confused, conflicted – all perfectly valid, considering the way she had simply turned up on his doorstep. She had expected some sort of reaction like this if he didn't kill her straight away.

What she hadn't expected was her own reaction. The way she had frozen in the moment she had met his eyes, the way her heart had lurched with relief at the sight of him stood before her, the tangible proof that he was alright, that he really was alive. She hadn't expected the emotional tears that had gathered in her eyes, or the way simply looking at him again had dredged up so much that she had buried. So many memories, emotions – feelings of loss, regret, guilt. It all bubbled right to the surface the moment she had laid eyes on him again. She'd had five weeks to prepare herself for this, as she travelled through city after city, but part of her hadn't really believed she would find him.

"I'm not gonna ask again, who the hell are you?"

His voice jerked her from her haze. The flow of his words, his accent, all of it was somewhat jarring when she thought back to the few clipped phrases she had heard him speak in the past – but she couldn't focus on the past now, because he was striding towards her, his stance aggressive and guarded, making her step a little further back into the room.

"Katie- Katrina- You would have known me as Katrina." She blurted out, tripping over her words as she held up her hands in a gesture of surrender; "My name is Katrina Ivanov – we met in nineteen eighty nine."

He halted, frowning at the name she offered him, as if trying to decide if it satisfied his question. She didn't expect him to recognise it though. When she thought back, she didn't think she'd ever been introduced to him by name. They had simply been thrown together.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm not here to hurt you, Barnes." She breathed as he took another threatening step closer – evidently her name hadn't provided any of the clarity she was desperate to give him. He hesitated a little at the use of his own name though, his hands flexing into fists at his sides and then loosening. "I'm here alone – I swear – I'm not here to harm you."

His stubbled jaw clenched visibly at her words, his gaze raking her up and down, evidently trying to decide if he believed her or not as he considered his next words carefully.

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