Chapter 57

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The pounding of her feet against concrete almost matched the rhythm of Kat's heart, a frantic sprint accompanied by the beat of the footfalls of the two men at her side as they burst out onto the runway

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The pounding of her feet against concrete almost matched the rhythm of Kat's heart, a frantic sprint accompanied by the beat of the footfalls of the two men at her side as they burst out onto the runway.

She could see the jet now, as they rounded the side of the terminal building, dodging and weaving between the airport vehicles that littered the runway – they were close, they might just make it.

But good lord, she'd never seen Bucky running at a full sprint before. She'd be lucky if she made it to the jet without her lungs giving out first after forcing herself to keep pace with him. It made it all the more impressive that Sam was still hot on their heels.

"Come on!"

The call came from a short distance away – Steve's voice. Kat couldn't help but wheeze out a small sigh of relief as she caught sight of Rogers, along with the rest of the team they had entered this fray with, powering along the runway towards Hangar Five. 

A few more paces and she had fallen into rank with them, a small huff of frustration leaving her at how effortlessly Steve outstripped her to lead the pack. Not for the first time, she wondered just how different things might have been if she had finished the course of serums.

Her mind passed over that thought quickly as her eyes locked on the Quinjet once more, instead dredging up the vital information she'd need as soon as she was onboard. Coordinates, directions, passcodes... They were so close to getting out of this.

But then that hope flaring in her chest faltered. Her body jolted with the effort of suddenly stopping as an unfamiliar sound reached her ears – her hands flying out to stop herself colliding with Bucky's back as he pulled up in front of her, his eyes locked on where a beam of light had just carved a deep gash in the concrete in front of them.

"Captain Rogers."

Kat's eyes lifted in confusion at the unfamiliar voice echoing above them, her feet taking an involuntary step back as she took in the form of the caped man floating several metres off the runway. Crimson-skinned, with an ochre gem embedded in the centre of his forehead, he levelled their team with a cool stare.

As if this day couldn't get any more ridiculous.

"I know you believe what you're doing is right."

She frowned as the man – being – whatever he was addressed Steve, her mind scrambling for context and briefly recalling a scrap of shaky footage from the Sokovia disaster, but she didn't have time to try and dig deeper. Ahead of them on the runway, Stark had landed his suit and simultaneously dropped off the form of Black Widow – effectively blocking their route to the jet.

"But for the collective good, you must surrender now."

A shuddering breath of frustration passed her lips at the almost artificially level tone of the man addressing them. As if he were trying to talk them down from doing something unforgivable – they had no idea.

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