Chapter 45

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It hadn't taken a full twenty-four hours

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It hadn't taken a full twenty-four hours.

The call had come only a few hours short of that, as Bucky's face had continued to be broadcast around Europe. Giving time for headlines to be printed, rewards to be offered. Every effort was being made to flush him out of hiding. Kat prayed he would manage to hold on just a little longer. Just until she could reach his side. She hadn't been able to sleep. She wouldn't have dared. She'd gone through the contents of her bag a thousand times; cash, spare clothes, food, first aid kit, tools, her knife, laptop, chargers – and the battered standard-issue thermal flask that had sat gathering dust on her kitchen shelf for too long. She couldn't bear to leave it behind. She was probably carrying too much, but she wanted to be ready for whatever she might end up facing.

She was leaving, one way or another, and she didn't know when or if she'd ever be back. So, she had cleared out her fridge, if only to save Markus making any grisly discoveries when he worked out that she was gone. She wasn't sure why she had bothered to water her plants – the ones that had managed to stay alive now that they weren't being tended to by someone other than her. She had needed something to do that wasn't just sitting and staring at that phone. It had felt like such a mundane thing to do, to putter around the apartment when Bucky could be out there fighting for his life. It was better than just sitting and sweating in her motorcycle leathers, in anticipation of a longer drive than a simple dash around the city. She had considered looking at trains, but the thought of inflexible timetables, having to wait around in stations and then sit and do absolutely nothing whilst she waited to reach her destination was unbearable. The bike was an easy choice.

But then the call came, and she was glad she was ready.

"Sam?" She answered on the first ring, clutching the phone to her ear as she frowned at the interference of traffic sounds and what sounded like the whirr of helicopter blades.

"I only have a few seconds, Katie. We've found his building, but the police are here too – Steve just went in."

"Is he alright?"

"I don't know, if he tries to run, he won't be. We'll do what we can."

"Where are you? Where do you need me?" She breathed, forcing down her panic to make herself think clearly. She couldn't go to pieces again, Sam needed her. Bucky needed her.

"We're in Bucharest- If the CTTF catch him, they might hold him here. If we get him first, I don't know."


"Shit- I gotta go- Head's up Cap, German Special Forces approaching from the South-"

That snippet of warning that she heard just before the line went dead sent her heart crawling up her throat. She had no way of knowing if Bucky would be alright, but she could take Sam's hint.


That was where he was hiding, and that was where he would be. Where she would find the man she loved, if he didn't get himself shot first.

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