Chapter 13 - Surrender to him

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Adelina's pov:

Maximus went to the bar, put some whisky and headed to his chair. He sat, took a sip from his glass, raised his head and looked at me in a stern way. I kept my gaze to him too. I wasn't going to back off. For the first time since I met him, I was feeling confident with myself in front of him. I don't know if it is due to the adrenaline of the training or because of my decision to kick him out of my life. We stood there in complete silence for a couple of minutes. The office was dark; the only light was coming from the small green desk lamp. My mind took me back to my childhood, when I was afraid of the dark. I thought back then, that if I fell asleep, a monster would appear and eat me. So every night, before I lay down on my bed, I always checked under my bed, the closet and any other place I thought the monster would be hiding. So I felt safer and managed to sleep. Tonight, after so many years, I am still afraid of the dark, even though I am no longer a child. I am afraid of the darkness of a man's soul, Maximus' soul. Tonight, the monster is in front of me and I do not know if I will be able to protect myself from it.

My train of thoughts was interrupted by a sudden knock on the table. Maximus was looking at me furiously.

- "Adelina do you hear me?" asked coldly.

-"What....? Yes, yes of course, Alpha" I responded.

- "Can you tell me what is this all about?" he asked in a severe way.

I kept looking at him without getting upset. Many things went through my mind. I could not give up now. I won't let him rule my life. I took a deep breath and answered calmly.

-"I don't understand. What do you mean?"

-"Don't play dumb with me. What's that nonsense about you training with the warriors' team? What's your real purpose for all these?" he asked me looking at me with suspicion.

-"My real purpose?" I asked him in surprise.

- "Yes, your real purpose, your plan, the reason you do all this. What are you trying to achieve?" he asked me interrogatively.

-"My plan?" I asked incredulously. "I have no plan. I just live my life. I do what I do because I want to feel good, useful and productive. So do not worry, I have no secret intentions. My only goal is to live my life as best I can, even if I am stuck here under these awful conditions," I replied honestly.

- "Do not consider me a fool. I know your plan. You are aiming the position of Luna of the pack," he told me coldly.

- "I am doing what? That's preposterous! What are you talking about? I am not pursuing anything and I definitely do not want to be Luna. In fact I never wanted to be" I contradicted.

- "I do not believe you".

- "You know Alpha, that's not my problem. I am not obliged to give explanations about what I do in my life. I don't have to prove anything to you or anyone else".

He stayed there without saying a word. Clearly he had doubts about my answer and wondered if I was telling him the truth or not. I felt his worries. It was obvious that he was confused and did not know how to react. After a few seconds of silence and while he was still looking at me, he cleared his throat and told me sternly.

- "To summarize, I inform you that I forbid you to train with the warriors' team. And this is final. You can excuse yourself now" he added.

-"You do what? How dare you? Who gives you the right to forbid me anything?" I shouted at him.

I was literally fuming! It was hard for me to keep my composure. I wouldn't let him control my life. He had hurt me a lot so far. He was so brazen in believing that he would decide what he wanted in my life.

-"I am your Alpha. Do not forget it. Show some respect" he told me sternly.

I felt frustrated but I tried to maintain myself. I stood up holding my head high without breaking our eye contact. I spent a few seconds looking at him angrily. Although it did not seem to affect him, I took a deep breath and told him firmly.

-"You are the Alpha but you are not above the law. The law states it clearly: Any pack member has the right to learn how to fight and defend him/herself".

-"Any pack member except you".

- "Why except me? What's your problem with me?" I asked furiously.

-"I don't have a problem. It is nothing personal. It's just my decision. This is it "he told me arrogantly.

-"That's not even a reason. You owe me an explanation" I retorted.

- "I owe you nothing" he said coldly.

-"You know what? Neither do I. I don't ask for your permission. In fact I don't need it. I will train with the team and I am not going to back off" I told him and turned back heading to the door.

I was furious and ready to explode. My feelings were very negative at that time. I was irritated and felt desperate and disadvantaged. I tried very hard to restrain myself and not to break out and attack him with my bare hands. I had to leave that room as soon as possible. Maximus stood up and in a blink of an eye he was right behind me. I pointed the lock and with the little force I held, I told him as calmly as I could. "Do you mind?" I said indicating the door.

He grabbed me by the arm, turned me around and pulled me towards him. Our bodies were collided. They were so close that they literally touched each other. He tilted his head close to my neck and whispered in my ear "Yes, I do." I ignored his answer and continued in a pleading manner, "Please Alpha, open the door. I want to go out." He stood there motionless. I tried to push him away but he was stronger than me. He was motionless. I started punching him in the chest but he grabbed my hands and put them over my head. His face was inches away from mine. He bent down again and whispered "You will do what I tell you". His whisper made me shudder. His smell overwhelmed me. My body reacted positively to him despite the fact that my mind was about to kill him. His voice had the ability to evoke in me the most tender feelings for him. "And ... if ... if ..... I do not?" I managed to ask. "Then you will be punished severely" he replied playfully.

He came closer and started stroking every inch of my body in a slow and very sensual way. Suddenly, with a tight grip, he kissed me. His kiss was deep, full of lust and passion. I stood there stunned without reacting. His kiss deepened and I could not hold back anymore. His feeling was intoxicating. The smell of him gave me a strange feeling of warmth. What is happening to me? This man always treats me badly. How can he affect me in such a way? After a few minutes of resisting him, he managed to tear down all my walls. I finally responded to his kiss. Our tongues were fighting for dominance. He lifted me in a bridal way and lay me down on the couch which stood in front of the library.

I was lost in my emotions. I couldn't deny it anymore; I wanted him uncontrollably and completely. I liked the way his touch made me feel. He hugged me tightly and started kissing me all over with his hands caressing every part of my body. He started with my face, went down my neck, reached my chest where he gave me a big squeeze. Then he landed on my most sensitive area and started stroking my clitoris with his fingers. He put one finger inside me and started piercing me slowly. I could not resist anymore. I gave myself to him surrendering to his sweet caresses and his wet kisses.... 

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