Chapter 18 - Chris' plan

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Adelina's pov:

Maximus was unconcious for about a week since his accident. The last two days fell into a coma. The doctors had run many tests, but did not find anything about the cause of his current condition. He wasn't poisoned and had no underlying disease. He had only one serious wound that did not heal. And this is very strange for a werewolf. Although I was informed daily about his health, I wasn't able to see him again. Outside his door there were two guards who didn't allow anyone to enter except the doctors, Christopher and the annoying redhead, Jina.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly at work. Mario's new management system was faster and more productive and allowed me to finish almost every day on time without working overtime.

I continued my training. It was my only way to get rid of my worries and relax. I have learned new and developed some old techniques and Dimitrio upgraded me to Alpha's personal guard team. Not that I would work as such....It was a kind of reward and for many it was only typical. The truth is that it would be extremely strange and inconvenient to work as Maximus' guard. I would not like it even if being on the team meant that I would always be close to him.

Maximus ... With his accident I realized that I still had feelings for him despite what happened between us. Although he has shown me for several times that he didn't care, I cannot stop worrying and thinking about him. Maybe it's because of the bond or the fact that when someone you love ignores you, you stick more with them. This is probably what happens to me with him. I want to continue my life. I know that a relationship between us is impossible. I know that when he wakes up he will ignore me as always and yet I have feelings for him. I care about him and I am completely devastated with his current condition. I barely eat or sleep. Thank God I have Alex and Marisa who do a great job distracting me. They always try to make me laugh and have a good time.

~~~~ Two weeks after Maximus has fallen into a coma ~~~~~

Christopher's pov:

- " Dr. Krueger, I want the truth. It's been two weeks now and Alpha is still in a coma. You understand that this situation cannot continue. The pack needs its leader. I want answers about the state of my Alpha. What caused this? We are werewolves! A wound cannot put us in a coma. What the hell is happening?" I asked the doctor who was looking at Maximus disappointed.

-"Beta you know very well that we do everything we can. We had done several tests. We know for sure that he has not been poisoned and does not suffer from any underlying disease. I honestly cannot point out what is happening. Probably his wolf is unwilling to wake him up or maybe he has lost him. However these are only speculations. We can't be sure about it. Unfortunately, I have no answer as to why he has not yet woken up or why he is not healing as quickly as he should. I'm very sorry," said Dr. Krueger and left the room.

-"Ok doctor. Keep doing what you do" I told him while he exited the room.

"I can't just sit here doing absolutely nothing. I have to save my friend and take care of our pack". I thought to myself. I left Maximus' room and ordered the guards not to let anyone in, not even Jina. I never liked her and I don't trust her. I don't want her near him. After all, she doesn't do anything useful. She just stays in the room grooming her nails or hair. So why let her in?

"I must also inform the council about Maximus' situation. We cannot hide it for long" I was thinking as I walked down the aisle. Suddenly I bumped into someone.

-"What's out!" I exclaimed in annoyance.

- "I am sorry Beta. I didn't see you coming" a trembling and very frightened female voice heard.

I know this voice! I've heard it before! But I cannot remember where..... I raised my eyes and to my great surprise I saw Adelina standing in front of me. Of course! Maximus' mate! I know that all these days she wanders around the aisle asking the medical staff for information about his health. People here are watching and inform me about everything that happens.

-"How is Alpha?" she asked timidly.

-"The same, unfortunately nothing has changed" I replied to her coldly. Although I didn't like that I spoke to her in that way I just couldn't help it. Maximus' condition was so frustrating that affected my emotions as well.

- "I am terribly sorry. I hope he'll recover soon. With your permission Beta" she said, bowed and walked away.

- "I hope so too" I said hopefully.

As she was walking away, it hit me. Adelina! Of course! Why didn't I think of it before? She is Maximus' mate. Maybe she is the only solution to our problem! The doctor said that maybe his wolf is the cause that he doesn't wake up. Maybe Drako wants Adelina to his side! How it didn't cross my mind? I am an idiot!" I scolded myself.

I turned and with quick steps I managed to catch her. She was ready to take the elevator when I stopped her.

-"Adelina wait!" I said grabbing her by the arm.

- "Yes, Beta. How can I help you?" she responded frightened. I cannot understand why this girl has so weird behavior. It is like she is afraid that I am going to hurt her or blame her for something.

- "I want to talk to you" I said sternly.

-"About what?" she asked timidly. Ιt was obvious that she didn't trust me. I can't blame her considering the fact that her own mate imprisoned her with absolutely no reason.

-"It's about something very important. Would you be so kind to follow me please?" I said as gently as I could. I hated that she had so bad feelings for me.  I don't like to provoke such bad feelings to any of my pack members. I am their Beta not their enemy: I want them to trust me and feel safe with me.

- "Something important? About what?" she wondered.

-" You'll find out soon. Just follow me" I turned and headed to Maximus' room.

When we reached his room I ordered the guards not to let anyone enter and disturb us. I got inside and Adelina followed hesitantly right behind me.

-"Please take a sit" I turned back and told her showing one of the armchairs that were in the room.

-"Excuse me?" she asked, standing a few meters away from Maximus' bed. Since we entered, she did not stop staring at him. Her face looked lost and sad. I felt her concern. It was obvious that this woman had feelings for Maximus. It was really sad that he didn't feel the same for her. She is a beautiful woman, very capable and smart and has a good soul. No other woman would care about a man who imprisoned her and treated her so badly for no reason.

-"So Adelina I brought you here because I want a favor from you" I began.

-"A favor? From me? What kind of favor can I offer to you?" she asked.

- "You know about our Alpha's poor health. The doctors tried in every possible way to bring him back but unfortunately nothing succeeded. That's why I turn to you for help".

-"My help? How can I help him? You know I am not a doctor" she responded timidly.

-"I believe your help is more valuable and promising than the doctors' at the moment".

-"Most promising? With all due respect you are obviously out of your mind " she contradicted.

- "Please, let me finish. Adelina, I know about you and Maximus. I know that you are his true mate. For the record, I am completely opposed to the way he treats you so far. But this is not the reason I brought you here. The point is that you are his mate and I believe that if there is a possibility for Maximus to wake up, it's gonna be because of you. And before you say anything let me consummate. I want you to help me wake him up".

-"You want what?" she asked with wide open eyes.

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