Chapter 23 - The agreement

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Maximus' pov:

Αdelina stood in front of the door with a blank expression on her face. I couldn't tell if she was furious with me or jealous. Maybe both. She gave me the impression of calmness before the storm. Either way I had to control myself and explain to her that I nearly broke up with Jina and she was the one I wanted. Ι had to show her that she was the only one for me and that I wasn't willing to lose her. I had to pursuade her or else everything would be ruined. I looked at Jina and told her in a cold and dominating tone.

-"Leave us".

-"Buut babe...." she responded in a whining style.

Jina was unwilling to leave. Once more she used her old and always successful (until now) tactics to have her way with me. But this time she won't get what she wants. I am totally dedicated to my cause. My intention is to have my mate close to me and try to make her happy. Achieving this will make me powerful and successful in claiming the throne of all werewolves. I will be undefeatable. On second thought Adelina is not so bad after all. She is  beautiful, educated, and intelligent and proved to be a very capable woman. I'll have two birds with one stone. That's not bad for me.

-"I am not your babe. Now go before I lose my temper" I threatened.

That woman is irritating. I do not know how many times I have to tell her that I do not want her anymore. Maybe it was a mistake to let her believe that she would be my Luna. I should have knocked the wind out of her sails a long time ago.

After a while she finally left the room clearly annoyed and displeased. Before she closed the door she took one last look at me trying to regain my favor. But those tricks do not apply to me anymore. Since my injury, I have a very clear view of what I want out of my life, and Jina is not in the picture anymore. I addressed to Adelina who stood in her position with her arms crossed. She looked at me disapprovingly.

-"Adelina it's not what it looks like. Let me explain to you before you make a scene" I tried to apologize.
-"Don't rush so easily to conclusions..." she said arrogantly.

-"Don't pretend that you do not care when I know it is just the opposite"

- "You are right, I am terribly sorry for interrupting such an important meeting" she said sarcastically.

I looked at her disapprovingly and she made a pause for some seconds. I hate sarcasm and get very upset when they do it to me. But once again tonight, I restrained myself and tried to calm myself down. I didn't want to make her angrier. Although she seemed unaffected by the spectacle earlier, I didn't believe her. I knew deep down she was angry with what happened.

-"I didn't come here to ask for explanations. I don't care about what you're doing with your lover. I am here for another reason".

-"Really? For what?" I asked surprised. I strongly believed that she would ask for explanations but apparently she didn't.

- "I am here to make a deal" she said determinedly making me look at her in surprise.

-"A deal? What kind of deal?" I asked confused.

Αdelina made a few steps towards the desk. Her head was high and she looked determined and sure for herself. I wondered what she was up to. I motioned for her to sit down but she stood upright. Although she had her head up, she was purposely avoiding eye contact with me from the moment she entered my office. Maybe she felt uncomfortable or jealous of the sight, either way it was obvious that it was a scene she wasn't fond of. Several minutes of absolute silence passed. I didn't want to break it as I waited for her to start and tell me why she came here. All this time I didn't take my eyes off of her. She seemed tensed and her posture was rigid. She took a deep breath and after making eye contact with me started talking.

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