The Lawsuit

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Aizawa looked at the sheet before him. He looked to the boy next to him, slightly trembling. Whether it was from excitement or fear, he didn't know. 

"You sure?" Aizawa asked as he put his hand on Izuku's fluffy hair, who swiftly nodded. 

And with that nod, Aizawa signed what could be the most important document he could have ever signed. 

Adoption papers. 


Midoriya Inko: Traumatized, but not fit enough to raise a child. That's what the courts decreed. Despite being a reputational lawyer herself, the courts still decided that there were many things she could've done. Once the child was in the forest, she could've easily reported her husband and rescued her child.

Midoriya Hisashi: In jail for attempted murder, threatening, child abandonment, and illegal drug trading. Even his wife didn't know his dirtier side, with him helping a drug ring. He would be in jail for around 30 years if he waited patiently without a fuss. If he did anything shady or unlawful while in prison, his sentence would be extended. 

That's what the courts said. Because of that, Izuku was technically an orphan. That meant that in a few days, he would be in an orphanage. 

Like Aizawa would let them. 

So, he signed several papers, contacted several people he knew, and after a long process, managed to adopt Izuku. [I have no idea how this works so this is as much you're going to get.]

That night, they were going to have a small adoption party, which would have Chiyo, Nezu, and Bakugou. Aizawa's been seeing small progress when it came to the two. Bakugou was getting a bit less aggressive lately and Izuku was getting a bit more social. 

That was good. 

As for Nezu, he didn't really know what to feel, considering that his employer was going to be at a party in his home. However, considering that he was one of the few people (or living things that could walk and understand Izuku), he guessed that he could make this an exception.

As for right now, Aizawa was shopping for a few things. Some which included a few snacks, decorations, and a balloon. One of those plastic ones that weren't those rubber ones that popped easily. More like those foil-like large balloons you got from the party store.

After getting a few green and blue streamers and a few snacks and a large balloon (there weren't many that were appropriate for the occasion, so he ended up buying a green, circular balloon with a smiley face), he made his way back home. 

When he got there, Izuku was playing with Mamoru, Haiiro and Asuka. Aizawa was rather lucky that he didn't get wooden floors. Then again, it would be illogical to do so, considering that he had a cat. 

"I'm back," he called and Izuku looked up. 

"Hey, Dad!" Izuku called. A small arrow pierced his heart. Metamorphically, of course.

"Hey, Problem Child. Wanna help set up for tonight?" Aizawa asked. 

"Mm!" Izuku said with a nod. Aizawa let go of the green balloon. Attached to it was a white ribbon as a string. Haiiro played with the string while Asuka flew up to stare at the balloon. Mamoru was staring at the two, as if he was their supervisor.

Aizawa honestly found it endearing. 

This was his small family. He loved it.

Izuku POV

Izuku looked at the finished decorated apartment. 

There were only a few streamers on the walls, which were behind the couch. A table was put out with chips, cupcakes, and some juice pouches. Dadzawa didn't really like soda that much and neither did Grandmama Chiyo. 

Izuku looked around the apartment. Dadzawa then came out of his room.

"Chiyo said that she'd be here in around ten minutes. Nezu would be here by five. Bakugou's on his way and will be here in eight to ten minutes," he sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

Izuku nodded and the two waited for the other three to come.

Bakugou POV

If you had told Bakugou a year ago that he would go to his teacher's fucking apartment and fucking go there for a shitty adoption party for his fucking childhood friend who he hadn't seen for over a fucking decade, he'd tell you to fuck off. 

Hell, if you had told Bakugou a few days ago that, he'd still tell you to fuck off. After all, how many fucking people actually get invited to a fucking adoption party at their fucking teacher's place?

The old hag had wanted to know why he had wanted to go here, but Bakugou had told her  'fucking mind yer own business!' so here he was, walking on the sidewalk to an apartment building.

"Ah, Bakugou, isn't it?"

Bakugou stiffened up for a moment before looking a bit down to see what was fucking right next to him. 

Or rather, who was fucking right next to him.

The rat bastard was walking right next to him. Technically, it was supposed to be stoat bastard, but rat bastard sounded better so rat bastard it was.

"Yeah," Bakugou answered and the rat bastard nodded. 

"I assume you are here to celebrate Aizawa's adoption of Izuku, are you not?"

Fuck fancy talk. 

"I am," Bakugou confirmed and he stuck his hands in his pockets.

"Mhm, lovely, isn't it?" 

"I guess," Bakugou answered once more. There was a moment of silence between the two as they came to a tall building. 

"This is the place," the stoat next to him said and Bakugou opened the door. The rat bastard slipped through the space between him and the door. 

"Thank you very much, Bakugou."

Bakugou didn't answer and let the door close behind him as he looked around the place.

An elevator at the side opened and Nezu quickly walked over and went into it right after two people went out of it. With a silent groan, Bakugou followed him into the elevator. Pressing the button inside the elevator, the doors closed as he waited with the rat bastard to get to Izu-chan's floor. 

"Isn't it interesting how the two only know each other for a few weeks before Aizawa adopting the other?" Nezu hummed cheerfully. Bakugou glanced at him from the corner of his eye. 

"Sure" was his only answer as the elevator door opened with a tiny ding.

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