What Goes Around, Comes Around

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It was supposed to be his day in, the day in which he could sleep the entire time since he stockpiled enough food for one day. Izuku had been stuck in this forest for a little over a decade and now, he hears a crash. A loud crash. In front of his cave. If that wasn't good, now he hears voices.

"Feel free to use your personalities in our domain as you see fit!"

"You have three hours to get to the facility!"

"Through this... Forest of Magical Beasts!"

Those voices seem familiar, Izuku pondered. But... Forest of Magical Beasts? The worst he's ever seen was a coyote. And that coyote wasn't very good at being a coyote. In fact, the only coyote that he's seen and known was the one curled up next to the fire.

The coyote's name was Mamoru. Like Asuka, he had discovered the coyote at a young age, probably no more than a few weeks old. Mamoru had some serious scratches so Izuku patched him back up as much as he could. And now, Mamoru was stuck to him like Asuka. Speaking of Asuka, he was hanging from a makeshift swing that Izuku had created out of vines and sticks for him. He was pretty sure that Asuka liked it.

"Forest of Magical Beasts?"

"Sounds like something out of Dragon Quest..."

"Yuuei is notorious for this..."

Wait... that sounded familiar. Yuuei? Wasn't that some sort of school? Yeah, a so-called hero school. Izuku still wondered to this day how those heroes never noticed a missing child. Probably because he was quirkless.

"No use with complaining, let's get this over with."

"I held, I held through all of that!"

Now that voice sounded like a whiner. You couldn't convince Izuku of otherwise.


Ehh?!? There WAS a magic beast? Izuku slowly walked to the entrance of his cave. Asuka flew down, landed on his shoulder, and bent down, ready to fly, if needed. Mamoru prowled behind.

"There, there beast. Just calm down and fall back please!"


So this rock-looking guy's name was Kouda and was trying to calm this 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 down? Not likely. Izuku now understood. This was the blonde woman's quirk and he was pretty used to it by now. All he had to do was avoid the loud stomps and roars from these things. But those kids didn't know. And now they were running 𝘢𝘵 it. Did they not have any common sense?! [Yeah, they didn't Izuku lmao]

Izuku clicked his tongue in annoyance. If they acted like this, they could suffer from quirk exhaustion. Or worse, get killed by the earth monsters. When he finished helping them, he was treating himself to another day of relaxing.


By the time the class of kids got to the facility, Izuku was beat. He had blooming bruises, scratches, twigs and mud in his hair, and more trouble than he could bargain for. [lol, poor Aizawa got to deal with them everyday]

He quietly groaned as Asuka plopped onto his shoulder and Mamoru nuzzled with his hand. Izuku owed them badly, didn't he?


"Looks like there wasn't much point in threatening to deprive you of lunch."

The famous Class 1a - groaned. They were tired, beat up, and their teachers decided to joke around like this?

"'Little over two hours' my ass," Sero moaned.

Kirishima added, "I'm going to starve to death."

The Forest's ChildOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant