23 - Matt

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Kiersten's alleged jealousy does not last long. Whatever fleeting feelings she had about me and Olivia are quickly overshadowed by Whitney's dramatic entrance. Looking like a Barbie Dream House explosion in rhinestone cowboy boots, she clings tight to the arm of some guy I've never seen in my life. She gives us a big wave but stops at every table to pose pictures before she actually joins us.

"Hi, y'all! So, this is Brandon," she says and strokes his arm like he's a prized show horse. "He's from London."

"Kentucky," he interjects with an accent that's more backwoods than Big Ben. "London, Kentucky. I moved to Hutton when I was twelve."

I can practically see Whitney's eye twitching as she gives him a forced smile. I can already hear her chewing him out later for not protecting her little white lie. Poor guy has no idea what he got himself into.

"Anyway," Whitney says and quickly changes the subject. "Bridgette said she'll be here shortly. Her heel broke, so she's trying to figure out how to fix it."

"Oh, that's easy," Teddy says. "Get a little super glue and pop that sucker back on."

"Well, Teddy, she's not a hardware store, so she doesn't have any."

To my surprise, Teddy doesn't get the least bit defensive at Whitney's comment. He doesn't talk back or roll his eyes like he usually would. It's like he's so focused on something else that he doesn't even hear it.

"I got some in my locker. Tell her I'll be right there."

Before any of us can say anything, Teddy darts up from the table and takes off like a white knight. Watching him swoop to the rescue really has me thinking. I don't know if it's just me, but ever since that sleepover, Teddy's been acting kinda strange. Every time Bridgette is mentioned, he gets jumpier than a jackrabbit. I can't tell if it's because he's nervous or excited or what, but I know something's not right.

As I'm thinking it through, I catch Kiersten's eye. She doesn't have to say a word, but I know she's thinking the exact same thing. I can see it in the little upturned corners of her mouth and the mischievous twinkle in her blue eyes. With a gentle nod of her head, she signals that she wants to talk.

"Kiersten and I are going to get some punch, you guys want any?" I say.

Completely giddy, Kiersten gets up from the table and meets me at the punch bowl.

"Omg," she gushes. "What was that?"

"So it's not just me, I'm not crazy?"

"No, no, no," she says and then quiets her voice to a whisper. "You know what, I have this theory. It's gonna sound insane, but hear me out, okay?"

I can barely hear Kiersten talking, so I take a step closer. My heart skips a beat when she does the same and I feel her body brush against mine. The warmth of her breath blows against my neck and ties up my insides. I have to make a real conscious effort to push the warm fuzzy feelings aside and listen to what she's saying.

"I think Bridgette is Teddy's secret girlfriend."

"What?" I balk.

The suggestion alone is enough to snap me out of my daze. Teddy and Bridgette? There's no way in hell. They've known each other for years. If there was something going on between them, we would've figured it out. And Teddy's not exactly into the whole girly-girl, cheerleader type. At least I don't think he is. I don't know why, but I always pictured him with some ATV driving, beer-drinking, shotgun shooting tomboy. Not a fluffy-haired, Pink Drink princess. But I guess they do say opposites attract. I mean maybe there is something about her unapologetic femininity that he finds....appealing. Maybe he's that kind of guy. Wait. What the hell am I saying? Now I'm the one that's talking crazy. Unapologetic femininity? Where did that come from? I've been listening to Kiersten way too much.

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