v. dormouse

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"how would you like to go to a game tonight?"

reiko looked up from her place on her bed. chishiya was standing in the doorway of her room, casually leaning against the door frame. "a game?"

"at the toei sendagaya apartment complex."

reiko rested a hand on her chin, she was slowly running out of visa days and playing the game would take that off her shoulders for a bit. after being welcomed to the beach she had lazed around for a few days. it was surprisingly nice there, though perhaps the party attitude of the members was a bit much for her. she had gone in the pool a few times at night and she couldn't deny that the bartenders there (where did they even come from?) made a really good pineapple daiquiri.

"it's tonight you said?"

chishiya nodded in confirmation.

reiko scrunched her nose, she didn't feel like going out, she'd much rather stay in bed in her purple bikini than play death games. as interesting as they were they required a lot of effort, something she didn't really have at the moment.

"so," chisiya moved his eyes up and down her body that was reclined on her bed. "are you going to come?"

flipping from her stomach to her back, reiko stared out the ceiling. "sure." she didn't really want to go. after all, what was the point in playing sadistic games when she could be dreaming of croquet games and knaves of hearts of trial? but still, with only two days left on her visa she needed to do something.

"you don't sound so sure."

"eh, take it how you will."

chishiya closed the door behind him and toward the bed. "what's up with you? you don't sound nearly as drugged up as you usually do."

"that was mean, neko-san. i am perfectly sane." reiko huffed.

"are you really?"

"of course!" reiko turned on her side facing away from chishiya. she didn't want to deal with people, all she wanted was to make sure her cat was okay. she missed dinah, she had asked if she could bring her from her apartment but apparently the hatter was not an animal person. the only animals allowed at the beach were the freaky deer heads pinned to random places on the wall. reiko found them to be far too tacky, dinah had way more appeal than a dead forest animal.

chishiya poked her back. "you're being weird." well, her regular self is pretty weird too. sighing, he went to retract his hand when a smaller one grabbed it.

"stay? i'm tired and crave affection." reiko whined.

"and do what exactly."

"sleep with me."

"excuse me?" chishiya guffawed. he knew she was a little mad but that was seriously blunt, did that girl even have a brain in her head or was it all filled with fantasies?

reiko tugged his hand and pulled him closer to the edge of her bed. "sleep with me."

chishia leaned over and whispered in reiko's ear. "do you understand what you're saying right now?"

"of course i do, i'm no stupid!"

he couldn't help but raise a brow. at this point he seriously doubted her sanity. "you do understand," he leaned down, so close that if they moved even an inch their lips would be touching, "that you're asking me to sleep with you."

reiko rolled her eyes. "ugh, men. i have to do everything myself, don't i?" letting go of his hand she wrapped her arms around chishiya's neck and brought him down onto the bed. she flipped their positions so that he was underneath her and rested her head on his chest. "sleep with me."

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