vi. caucus race

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"this isn't the roof. neko-san you liar!" reiko pouted, clinging onto the back of chishiya's hoodie. "this is just the seventh floor." she complained, scrunching her nose at the ugly building. really, they couldn't have picked a cuter spot? if she was going to die she at least wanted it to be someone a bit more scenic.

chishiya rolled his eyes at the whiney girl. "yes but look down." he whispered as the two made their way to the corner of the balcony. "if you wanna see where everyone is, this is the perfect location."

reiko peered over chishiya, gently resting her chin on his shoulder. "ouuu everyone looks so tiny." she giggled. "i still stand by my decision to go to -" she cut off her words as a buff looking man with a shaved head and a black tank top entered along with a man with a bandana. as much as she loved talking, she knew when to be quiet. besides, she liked being stingy with her intuition - most people didn't deserve to hear it anyway.

chishiya gave the man in the black tank top a silent wave, his face void of emotion. reiko copied with a cute smile, turning her head to face the man, causing her cheek to smush against chishiya's shoulder.

the two men glanced over before turning to walk the opposite direction. reiko huffed, hoping to get a bigger reaction out of the men.

"yeah." chishiya spoke up, loud enough for the men to hear. "i got a weird feeling about this." he scoffed as the two men continued to ignore him and reiko. seeing that he wasn't going to get a response, chishiya shuffled his body to rest his crossed arms against the railing, careful not to move reiko around too much. he hummed a little, causing reiko to turn her head forward and look at the blonde haired boy.

"looks like everyone's about to bite it, just like the always do." he spoke to her. reiko gave a grin, the corners of her eyes pinching together like a crescent moon. she took her head off chishiya's shoulder and moved to stand next to him, copying his position.

"hm," her eyes fluttered across the rest of the building, taking in everything at once. "i think this will be quite fun." she smirked at all the small figures running around in panic - oh how entertaining it was to see them fret.

suddenly, all the phones chimed.

"the game will now commence. the time limit is 20 minutes. game start."

reiko stared at her phone with a grin and looked to the boy next to her happily. "this is so fun, don't you think?" chishiya side eyed her with a slight smile. what a crazy girl.

"the tagger is on the move."

loud fanfares began to play causing reiko to clap her hands in excitement. she always loved dramatics. she felt her heart speed up with excitement as everyone fell silent, anxiously waiting for the tagger to appear. she watched as the small figures below her and chishiya began to move about with no real direction.

loud gunshots rang through the building, disturbing the silence. reiko stilled at the sound and peeked at the unbothered chishiya through the corner of her eyes. looking back down, she barely caught a glimpse of what looked to be someone in a horse mask with a gun. she took a sharp inhale, holding her breath with anticipation.

more gunshots. but this time, it was followed by the screaming of men running to get away. she watched as the men appeared every floor or so, clearly running away before hiding themselves in a space in the wall.

ah, the messy haired man and his friend. she mused to herself. she made note of them, she liked them very much. not for any real reason - they were just the most fun to watch.

she tilted her head as the horse person walked away, unable to see the men anymore. she squinted at the mask.

huh, she pondered. now why choose a horse of all animals? her mind worked to remember everything she knew about horses, which really wasn't much. she supposed they were pretty, and people rode them for competition. they had all these crazy harnesses around their body and -

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