Struggle and Escape

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< A few minutes earlier > {If ya'll are sensitive to sexual harassment then I suggest you skip the first part but there is no r*pe. It isn't anything too descriptive anyway but just a warning in case.}

Yui had been cleaning the trophies under the scrutiny of the fatty. She could feel his lecherous eyes staring at her behind and she tensed up.

" A-ano I have finished my quota sensei. Can I be excused now?" she asked, eager to leave. Unfortunately, he outright denied her.

" Hah! What are you talking about? There is still so much to do around here and you want to leave? Maybe I should tell your homeroom sensei that you skipped your detention," he said grinning wickedly. Yui grit her teeth. 'This bastard is threatening me.'

So far, she had tolerated his disgusting looks but all of a sudden, he 'locked' the door and began stalking dangerously towards her. Yui felt her heart rate speed up but quickly reacted by throwing the rag in the bastards' face and running to the door. Before she could reach it however, her collar was pulled back and she was slammed into the floor.

" Where the hell do you think you're going after harassing a teacher?!" Joichiro growled and flipped the girl on her back. Yui didn't give in and kept fighting back. She managed to scratch his cheek and he snarled at her.



Yui blinked as tears filled her eyes and blood dripped from her mouth. Her eyes glared at the man who kept trying to keep her still. She grit her teeth and used one hand to grab the sharp pencil from her skirt and she slammed the tip into his knee.

"AAHHH!!" The fatty fell back and gripped his knee while Yui took the chance to bolt to the door and run out which was where she ran into the GOM.

~From the GOM's POV~

The group heading to check on Yui halted at the sight of the girl running out of the room looking like a mess.

"Yui-chan!" Momoi was the first to react and ran to Yui to check her injuries. The rest moved closer to her and formed a circle around the poor girl. They clenched their fists as Kise and Momoi began fumbling over her. Akashi immediately gave out orders.

" Ryouta, Testuya, Momoi, take Arai to the nurses office and alert the teachers. Shintaro, Daiki, Atsushi, you're with me,"

The followed orders without hesitation and the three light heads carefully took Yui to the infirmary. The more...intimidating half of the group walked into the room only to see the teacher on the floor tightly holding his knee where blood seemed to be dripping from.

"That b*tch, I'll kill her!" He hadn't noticed the group at the door until he felt a cold gaze on him. He turned to see four boys staring down at him with eyes filled with fury and contempt. The boy with the red hair who he recognised as Akashi walked towards him with eyes switching colours.

" Who were you going to kill, sensei?" Akashi's voice scared the hell out of the pathetic man. How can a middle-schoolers' aura feel so intimidating?

Aomine and Murasakibara were about to pounce on the man but Akashi stopped them.

" I know how infuriated the both of you are but this man will be handed over to the police,"

" I must crush him," Murasakibara said. His eyes were deadly. Aomine also protested.

" Are you...defying me?" Akashi asked as he turned his glare onto the two. Aomine gulped and apologised and Murasakibara backed down.

" Do not worry. He will be given the appropriate punishment. His future is now...non-existent."

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