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Kagami hissed in pain and Yui dabbed a cotton ball over his cut lip. There was an ice-pack on his cheek and bruise marks all over his face and body.

Sitting at Rio's aunt's maid cafè, Seirin, the generation of miracles and the four delinquents watched with amusement as Yui dressed her boyfriend's wounds.

Meanwhile, Murasakibara was stationed in the corner placed on a 'time-out' by the girl. If Yui hadn't stepped in, he might have really killed Kagami.

Aomine laughed at his rival's predicament but a fierce glare from Yui silenced him immediately.

"I'm so sorry Taiga," Yui apologized. "I didn't want this to happen...I was going to tell him in private but SOMEONE was being a sore loser."

The someone in question was sitting at one of the tables sipping his cup of green tea acting like he had nothing to do with the events that had just unfolded.

"They were bound to find out anyway. I just sped it up a little," Akashi replied with a mild smile.

That evil little--

"But what exactly were you talking about when you said they broke laws?" Riko cut in. She was at a table with the Seirin second years.

"Yeah. What was that all about?" Aomine asked. He wiped the last tear out of his eye from his earlier laughter.

"Uh...that is..." Yui started fidgeting under the stares. Eventually, she sighed and muttered quietly, "We may or may not have blown up a warehouse..."



Everyone shouted; "EEHHH?!"

Kagami winced at the shouts and rubbed his ear. 

"That's a joke right?" Midorima said in disbelief. 

Takao scoffed, "Of course it's a joke."

Yui and Kagami looked at each other before staring back at the crowd. Rio and the others burst out laughing.

"It's not! We really did do that!" Rio exclaimed. "Wanna see?"

"You videoed it?!" 

Rio snorted and waved a USB around, "Duh. I kept it for memories. Oh, do you guys wanna see a slideshow of the KYAHR adventures this year?"

"What the heck is KYAHR?" Furihata and Kawahara asked simultaneously.

"It stands for 'Kagami, Yui, Akito, Haruka and Rio'. It's our squad name!" Rio pumped his fist.

"We're not a squad," the said people deadpanned together.

Rio's eye twitched, "But we've hung out together - like a lot!"

"We're not a squad."


"We're not a squad."


The boy pouted and went to sulk in the corner with a brooding Muraskibara. Everyone's sweatdropped at the dramatic act.

Feeling bad, Momoi went to comfort him.

"They're just joking Rio-kun. Besides, we still want to see the slideshow," she patted him.

All of a sudden, the boy had a renewed light in his eyes as he gazed at Momoi with awe.

"A goddess..."

Momoi blinked, "What?"

"You...are an absolute Goddess!" He stood up so suddenly that Momoi had to take a step back in surprise. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

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