Side Story 1: Kuroko's Birthday (2)

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The game of basketball at the courts ended with Akashi's overwhelming victory. 

With one event finished, it was time to head over to Kagami's place for the second main event that was hosted by Seirin. 

Kuroko and Yui invited the miracles and Momoi to tag along and soon enough, the group was standing in front of Kagami's apartment door ringing the bell.

"Coming!" came a shout from inside.

The door opened and Furihata appeared with a smile that quickly vanished when he realized the person standing in front.


"I hope you don't mind. I invited them over," Kuroko poked his head out from behind his former captain.

However, poor Furihata only trembled on the spot and forgot how to speak. Eventually, the boy passed out and was quickly caught by Kise.

"Damn Akashi. You made the guy faint," Aomine said with amusement. 

Akashi's lip twitched, "That was not my intention."

Yui gave Furihata a pitiful look. It seems the poor guy was suffering from PTSD. The game against Rakuzan must've really traumatized him.

Kise left the motionless Furihata in Murasakibara's care since he was the strongest and the group entered the door.

Yui quickly jogged ahead and threw herself onto an unsuspecting Kagami sitting on the floor. 

"Boo!" she shouted.

Kagami yelped, "Gah! Dammit, Yui!"

"Hahaha! Nice to see you too!" she kissed his cheek happily. 

"Nice apartment you got here," a lazy voice uttered.

Kagami's eyes widened as he turned his head around to see the rainbow group standing at the entrance of his living.

"Aomine?! What are you guys doing here?"

Yui laughed and said, "Sorry. Kuroko-kun and I invited them over."

"Why..." Kagami muttered. The last people he wanted to see were standing inside his apartment.

The group wasted no time in making themselves comfortable on the floor with Murasakibara depositing Furihata's body with Hyuga who was less than pleased to have to look after his fainted kouhai.

Yui and Kagami sat next to each other and Murasakibara made himself comfortable on Yui's right side to keep an eye on the guy who dared to date his sister. But, other than that, Murasakibara just wanted easier access to the desserts that were conveniently laid out on the table.

As he reached for something, Midorima took it upon himself to scold the purple-haired giant for being rude while Himuro told him to wash his hands like a parent.

As the group descended into chatter, another lot of guests arrived.

"Eh? What is this?" Riko's shocked voice entered the room. She stood with Kiyoshi and the leftover Seirin members who had just arrived. 


The high-pitched bark of Nigou caught the attention of many, including Kagami, who immediately backed away in fear.

"What is 'that' doing here?!" he yelled.

His cries, sadly, went ignored as everyone was more taken with the cute little puppy than the gruff-looking teenager with weird eyebrows.

"There there. He won't hurt you," Yui comforted her boyfriend trying not to snicker.

"I know you're mocking me," Kagami muttered with gritted teeth.

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