Chapter 2

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(Fay's Pov)

After my mama helped me get my schedule, she left and I was on my own. I was kind of nervous because everybody was staring at me. I mean I guess it would make sense because I'm new. As I'm walking to find my locker, I bump into someone making them drop their things. Oh god my clumsiness. I bend down to help them pick up their things. I look up and see a very pretty girl. She has shiny blonde hair and blue eyes. Like me!

I'm sure we'll be mistaken for sisters.

"I-I'm so sorry. I wasn't p-paying attention," I say quietly.

"Oh! Don't worry about it. It was an accident! I'm Abby. What your name?"

"I-I'm Fay. It's n-nice to meet you Abby," I say while giving her the stuff she dropped with a small smile. "You must be new here," she says.

"Yeah I-I am actually. I was h-homeschooled. B-but my parents finally l-let me come to public s-school! Boy oh boy isn't that exciting?" I say excitedly while Abby laughs.

She says something but I didn't really hear her.

"What's your schedule," she asks. I give her a paper with my schedule on it. She looks over it.

"Okay we have Algebra 2 and Physics together," She says happily. Oh goody! Does that mean we're friends? I really hope we become friends. She seems nice.

After she helps me find my locker, we both walk to Algebra 2. When we walk in, there is only 2 seats available but they aren't next to each other. Oh great now I have to sit by someone else. But it's not just's the boy I saw earlier at the front of the school!

He hasn't noticed me yet. I feel my breath hitch when Abby gives me a small wave and walks to the seat at the front next to a boy with glasses. I make my way to the back of the classroom where the last seat is next to the boy. I pull out the chair and immediately the boy looks up. I see his eyes widen when he sees me. Oh god does he think I'm weird and he doesn't want me to sit with him?

I sit down in the seat and avoid any eye contact with him. I get out my notebook and a pencil, trying to distract myself from the burning stare beside me.

Eventually he stopped staring at me but instead of staring, his knee touches mine. My whole body immediately feels hot. Then I realize that he's not moving it and he just keeps his knee there. So instead, I move my knee. He doesn't seem to approve of my action when I hear a low growl from him. I gulp in nervousness.

For the rest of the class he doesn' anything. Thank god. I don't know why I feel so warm and fuzzy whenever he stares at me. When class ends, I'm the first person out of the classroom. I wait outside the door for Abby.

(Time skip to lunch)

Me and Abby enter the cafeteria and walk to an empty table. We both sit down. I frown when I realize mama didn't make a lunch for me. I watch as Abby takes out her lunch. The school serves lunches but I heard that school lunches aren't very appetizing. Welp it's better than not eating at all.

I tell Abby I'm going to go wait in line for a lunch. After 5 minutes of waiting I finally get my lunch. I pout when they didn't give me a drink. I sit down by Abby and tell her that the lunch lady forgot to give me my drink.

"There is a vending machine over there," she points to a vending machine that's by a table with two boys. And not just any boys, the boys from earlier. Oh jeez.

Abby lends me 3 dollars and I quietly thank her. I walk up to the vending machine and avoid the stare that's already on me. Looking at the vending machine, I see that they have chocolate milk. Yum just what I need. I bend over to grab the chocolate milk from the bottom. As I do so, I hear a growl from the same boy that has been staring at me ever since I got here. As soon as I stand up straight again, I get pulled into a hard chest. I look up to see who it is only for it to be the boy. I look down and blush.

"Pequeño, your skirt is a little too short," he says in that deep, raspy voice which makes me clamp my thighs together. When I don't answer, he grabs my jaw gently and makes me look at him. (Little one)

"What is your name pequeño," he asks.

"F-Fay Miller," I say nervously. "Fay," he says like he's testing how it sounds. I almost faint when he says my name.

I get the courage to ask what his name was, "Levi."

"Well, Fay baby, how about we be friends," he smirks.

"U-um okay," I say looking into his beautiful eyes.

He chuckles and finally lets me go. I couldn't breath that whole time. He asks what classes I have after lunch and it turns out we have the same classes after lunch. When we both agreed to wait outside the cafeteria after lunch, I walk back to Abby with my chocolate milk.

"I can't believe you actually talked to Levi Anderson," she says surprised.

"W-why? Is t-that bad?"

"Actually I don't know. He doesn't usually talk to anyone but Xavier Rose which is his only friend I think," she explains. I wonder why he's so interested in me then.

yoyoyoyoyooyoy this writing stuff is stressful but fun. i have some ideas of what ill write about ;)

~mia ♥

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