16. Monday Blues.

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After the exhilarating weekend of room renovations, the overcast weather the following Monday made it feel even gloomier than normal. Despite the foul weather Eamon and Y/N agreed that they shouldn't skip out on school and work again. So they both had bundled up in extra warm clothing and dashed out into the drizzling rain, already eagerly anticipating returning to their attractive beige house in the evening.

"Hey, Eamon!" José called, his warm brown eyes lighting up and his tanned face splitting into a smile as he saw his ginger friend enter through the door, shaking rain droplets from his hair. "Good to see you!"

"Likewise José," Eamon nodded, as he crossed the pleasant office and settled himself behind his desk.

"I was surprised when you asked for Friday off, I can't remember the last time you took time when it wasn't an emergency," José commented casually enough, but Mr. O'Dargan felt like his crafty friend wasn't stating that as a mere observation. "Sooooo did you go on a date?" He asked, wiggling her dark brows and smirking.

"You could say that," Eamon replied with a small sigh, thinking that he would mess with his friend a bit before he told him the truth. It would serve him right for all the meddling he did.

"Really?! I'm so happy that you're finally putting yourself out there again," He gasped, overcome with shock that his suspicions were correct. "Who is she?! Where'd you meet?! How'd it go?!" He let loose a volley of questions.

"Wow, you're more excited than me," Eamon chuckled, running a hand through his damp red hair. "Y/N and I spent the weekend redoing her bedroom, it was a great family bonding date-thing." He replied honestly.

"Eamon..." José said in a very subdued voice, he looked visibly deflated. "You are incorrigible. How could you get my hopes up about your love life only to crush them?!"

"It's your own fault for caring so much about it," He chastised his friend as he straightened some of the lost papers on his desk. "Why does my love life matter to you anyway?"

"Because you are such a great catch," José replied in indignation. "It breaks my heart to see you waste away single when you're the kind of man that every lady dreams about. Don't you want to be loved?"

"You flatter me, but I don't think I'm all that special," Eamon said, calmly. Ever since he had divorced his wife he was certain that he wasn't great at romance and should avoid it as much as possible. "And there's more to life than romantic love, caring about my family and friends is much more important to me," he stated truthfully.

"Come on Eamon, you didn't use to be like this," his friend whined in exasperatedly as he indignantly sat behind his own desk.  "I remember when you loved being in love, you were as giddy as a schoolgirl-"

José, you are my best friend, Eamon thought as he tuned out his words and looked past him to watch the rain splatter against the windows. But you can be really, really aggravating at times.

The sight of the water droplets rolling down the glass was oddly satisfying, as he watched his mind wandered to the thought of home. I wonder what Annie is making for dinner? Since it's raining it will probably be soup, cheesy potato leek perhaps, or french onion. He pondered as he continued to block out José's ranting in the background.

. . .

Y/N walked down the harsh hallways of her school to her first class after lunch, the graey clouds and rain only making the interior even more depressing than it was on an average day. Her new shoes squeaked against the floor as she continued to move towards her class.

She had noticed an improvement in her treatment since she had started showing up to school in new clothes, most people just ignored her but it was worlds better than how she was treated before, though there was one group of people that hadn't changed at all.

"Whoops, I didn't see you there, I mistook you for a Barbie fresh out of the box," Amanda hissed as she tripped Y/N and gave her a push, causing her to go tumbling onto the ground. "Don't think that getting better clothing somehow makes you a better person."

"Yeah, everyone would be better if you just did yourself in just like your only friend," another one of Amanda's clique chimed in between snickering. "What was his name - Sean was it?"

"Haha, see ya around," Amanda laughed with her friends for several minutes. "We'll have to play house again sometime, Barbie." She spat as she turned around.

They all cackled as they walked away, leaving Y/N kneeling on the cold tiles as the milling throng of students walked by in both directions as the bell rang for classes, no one looked at Y/N as they passed by, and no one stopped to help her.

Slowly Y/N pushed herself to her feet and adjusted her heavy book bag on her back and brushing the dirt from her pink skirt. What did it matter if others thought the way she was dressing was strange all that mattered was that it made her happy... Right?

Just ignore it, just ignore it, she lectured herself as she picked up her pace so that she would not be late for her next class. It's not a big deal, you've dealt with much worse before. She didn't want to be upset by something so trivial in comparison to the other things she had endured.

Still, I can't wait to get home and have dinner with Eamon, Y/N conjured up their kind smiling faces, the image making her feel much better. I bet Annie will have made something supper hot and yummy since it's so rainy and cold out.


What's your favorite food for a rainy day?

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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