41. Playing Games.

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It had been several weeks since Y/N and Eamon had spent the night at Baymore Estate. They left the following day without incident and no one had discovered that they had slept together which was a great relief to them. They spent the next couple of weeks in much the same way that they had before, Eamon would go to work and Y/N would stay home and help Annie with the cleaning. She had also started receiving study packets from Marriot Private Acadamy and was doing quite well in her classes now that she was learning from home.

Although she and Eamon had not had sex or even mentioned it to each other since their night at Baymore Estate they were closer since that night and would be much more direct with their loving looks and embraces when no one else was around. Despite the graveness of the secret they were keeping from the rest of the world they were happy together.

One Saturday morning they awoke to the sight of snow flurries in the air and decided that it was for the best to stay indoors to avoid the sudden cold spell. They had chocolate waffles for breakfast and Eamon said that they could stay in their pajamas all day since it was just going to be them in the house.

Y/N skipped in excitement, her pajamas were very comfortable and all the frills made her feel cute. She tugged on Eamon's sleeve and beamed up at him, "Can we play some video games today?" She asked him.

Eamon felt a pang in his heart despite her adorable expression. He remembered how Sean would always want to play video games with him on the weekends, sometimes he would join him and they always had a great time, but most of the time he was too busy with work. He wasn't going to make the same mistake again, he was going to give Y/N as much of his attention as he could. He would do everything in his power to protect her and make her happy.

Realizing that he had been staring off into space and had yet to answer her question he shook himself slightly to try and shed the sudden guilt he felt as he put on a small smile, "Of course, I just hope you're prepared for me to beat you into next week," he playfully wiggled his eyebrows as he let her pull him towards the living room.

Y/N sat impatiently on the couch while Eamon turned on the tv and the console before he joined her, casually wrapping an arm around her shoulder as he handed her the remote. They smack-talked each other while they waited through the loading screen and once the menu popped up they selected two-player mode. They played back and forth a couple of rounds, they were fairly well-matched which kept the game's exciting.

Y/N was decent at the game considering she used to play it with Sean practically every weekend, she smiled bittersweetly as she recalled the hours they'd spend laughing and teasing each other while they played, what surprised her was the fact that Eamon was holding his own even though he didn't have as much experience as she did.

Losing a bit of interest in the game Y/N looked of at Eamon and observed him as he played intently. His ginger hair and stubble were different from the rich brown hair that Sean had but they still had a clear resemblance. They had the same blue-graey eyes and Eamon's brow furrowed in concentration the same way that his son's had.

Y/N bit her lip and a blush came to her cheeks as she considered how much Eamon reminded her of Sean. She shook her head and looked away, she'd be lying if she said that she hadn't crushed on and off on Sean but, she couldn't let her emotions for Sean get confused with what she felt for Eamon.

What do I feel for Eamon? Y/N asked herself again. She felt safe and comforted when she was with him, things that she rarely felt in her life. He made her feel like she was precious. Her heart fluttered in her chest as she thought of their first night together. I love him, don't I? She asked, still having doubts.

"I win! That's the third time in a row," Eamon exclaimed grinning, startling Y/N out of her thoughts. Despite his initial reluctance to play, he was having a great time, but he'd enjoy anything as long as it was with Y/N. "So what do you say? I think I should get a kiss for my efforts."

"If anyone should be getting a kiss it's me," Y/N pouted playfully, crossing her arms and huffing. "I just lost three times in a row."

"I guess you have a point," Eamon chuckled, ruffling her hair before he lined in and pecked her lips. Y/N expected him to pull away so it came as a surprise when he pulled her closer and deepened the kiss instead. "what's wrong Doll, I thought you wanted a kiss?" He asked her after a minute with a cheeky grin.

"I-I did but this isn't just a kiss," Y/N stammered, blushing as she referred to his hands that had been wandering all over her body.

"I'm sorry," he said, his eyes filled with love as he pushed her down gently onto the couch. "It's just that you're so cute when you blush and get all flustered, I couldn't resist."

"W-What about the game?" Y/N asked, flustered by the unexpected intimacy. "Don't you want to continue your winning streak?"

"No," He answered a devious smile stretching his face as he leaned down closer to her. "playing with you is way more fun than any game," he teased as he began to kiss her neck as he wrapped both arms around her.

"E-Eamon-" her face felt burning hot as she let out his name in a timid squeak.

"-Shit!" Eamon cut her off as they both heard the sound of the front door slammed open. Eamon and Y/N blotted away from each other and whirled to look at the hallway each praying that whoever had entered hadn't seen their risque actions moments before.

Moments later a man emerged from the hall, his clothes were disheveled and his green-blue eyes were glassy. He staggering as he walked and leaned against the wall for support. "Julien?!" Eamon exclaimed, getting to his feet in alarm at the sight of his friend in such a condition. "What are you doing here, what happened to you?!"


Ooooo, that was a close call! Do you think that Julien saw what they were doing?

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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