26. Dr. Ross.

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Eamon left Murphy's with new resolve. Having heard his tale he was determined to protect Y/N and prevent them from meeting the same end that the barkeep had. He would protect her from anything, including himself, but he wasn't sure how. It's not like he could tell her what was going on. He couldn't send her to stay somewhere else while he figured things out as with her low self-esteem she was bound to think that he didn't want her anymore which couldn't have been further from the truth, she didn't have anywhere else she could go any way. He had to do something though, and fast.

After several minutes of thinking, he came up with a plausible idea; he detested it, but for Y/N's sake he would do whatever it took. Fishing his phone out of his pocket he flipped it open and called a number that he never thought he would.

After several moments with nothing but the sound of the ringer and his anxiety to distract him someone finally answered, "Hello, You have reached the office of Dr. Ross," he breathed out a sigh of relief as he heard the professional voice of his friend Julien through the phone. "How may I help you today?"

"Hey, Julien it's me Eamon-" He began nervously.

"Hello, Eamon!" Julien's tone became much more relaxed once he realized who was on the other end of the line. "Why are you calling me at work, did something happen?" He asked with worry.

"I-I was actually wondering if you had free time this afternoon for a quick session," Eamon stammered, he had always felt very uncomfortable about the idea of getting counseling, but for Y/N he would do it. "I-I have some things I need to talk over with someone."

"Of course, You're in luck I don't have anyone booked for this afternoon so you can swing by free of charge," Julien spoke up at once, more than slightly relieved to hear that his friend was going to talk with someone which was something he had been suggesting he do for years. "My one stipulation is that you allow me to do an assessment on Y/N's mental health," He added, wanting to help Y/N as well.

Eamon bit his lip, he remembered how drained Sean would be after having sessions with Dr. Ross even if it was for the best he didn't want to put Y/N through any pain, but presently he had his back to a wall. "...fine, I'll be at your office in under an hour," he relented with a heavy sigh.

. . .

Eamon opted to sit in one of the upright chairs instead of laying on the cliche couch once he arrived at Dr. Ross's office. The walls were painted a soothing green shade and had several large stickers of cartoon characters stuck to them as the doctor mainly counseled children and teens. He was making an exception for Eamon considering that they were friends and he felt that he really needed someone to talk to.

"So Eamon, did anything specific happen today to make you want to come in, I know that you generally don't like the idea of talking to people about your problems?" He addressed his friend in a much less professional tone than he would a normal first-time patient, it only would have come off as weird considering that they had been friends for over a decade.

"Yes, but I don't want to talk about it," He shuddered and subconsciously pulled away into the folds of the leather armchair as he thought about the guilt-ridden chain of events that had brought him to be sitting in that office.

"That's fine, but part of you coming to see me does involve talking you know," Julien coaxed Eamon gently. "No matter. I am going to assume that this has something to do with Sean-" he pulled out a small notepad to record anything of interest.

"-No," Eamon cut him off, surprising even himself by the firmness of his tone. He cleared his throat and said in a much friendlier tone "Actually that's not why I'm here."

"Oh! Well, why did you come to see me then?" The doctor's face showed momentary surprise, his green-blue eyes wide, but he quickly recovered his composure.

"How do you stop feeling romantically attracted to someone?" Eamon said suddenly, the bluntness of his words shattering the previous silence.

"Well, I'm not sure if there's any reason to," Julien stated, a small smile stretching his face, if anything he was privately glad that Eamon was finally showing interest in romance again after his disastrous divorce with Ann. "You're a grown man Eamon, and you have nothing to feel guilty for if you find someone attractive and wish to enter the dating pool again."

"What if," Eamon bit his lip, trying to find a way to get his current problem across without being sent to jail. "What if the person isn't available?" Was what he eventually settled on.

"Ah, like in a relationship, I see." Julien nodded his head, assuming that he meant he had developed an interest in someone who was already taken. "Well, I'd say avoid spending time around this person if you can."

"And if you can't?" He replied, knowing that wasn't really an option with Y/N.

"Then do your best to remind yourself that this person is taken if you ever find yourself feeling drawn to them romantically," he suggested.

"What if that isn't enough?" Eamon asked, he had been reminding himself of all the reasons he shouldn't feel the things he was starting to feel, but it didn't make them stop.

"Well, I guess you could take a step back and for everything you like about them try and think of something that you don't like," Julien replied after a moment of thought, "but you don't want to end up hating them either." He smiled awkwardly.

"Thank you," Eamon reached out and shook his hand as he rose from his chair. "I'll take your advice."

"You're welcome," Dr. Ross smiled brightly as he showed Eamon to the door. He was more than a little curious who the person Eamon had an interest in was, but he didn't voice his curiosity.  "Thank you for coming in to talk with me Eamon, and I'll be in touch about scheduling a time to evaluate Y/N."


Well, at least Eamon is trying to get help, who knows if it will be successful though?

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

Folie à Deux [Yandere Guardian x Abused Female Reader]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें