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We had traveled to Siberia to track down my daughter. After the damage Domenico and Zayn did, vampires caught wind of our daughter's whereabouts. They then kidnapped her and moved her to a higher security facility. Of course they'd move her to this frozen place. Vampires weren't affected by the cold. I wasn't sure how Zena's hybrid abilities worked, but I hoped she wasn't too cold.

Myself and the wolves pulled our coats tighter to protect us from the harsh winds. The weather would be more bearable in our wolf forms, but we needed to be accessible, so human form it is. Lara wrapped another scarf around me in an effort to increase my body heat. Unlike me, she wore a thin black shirt and dark jeans. I had a black sweater underneath that was paired with jeans.

I smiled at her concern for my well being. I began to think that Zayn was going to give away our location with how loud his teeth were chattering. My friends and family were struggling, but persevered. The vampires had no issue in leading the way. Alec, in his form fitting suit, led the way through the thigh high snow.

Lexi was struggling to walk since the snow was up to her waist. She shuffled her way through the obstacle. Taemin eventually sighed before squatting down for Lexi. She smiled and jumped onto his back, happy for a free piggy back ride. I turned to Hailey.

"Don't tell me you want a ride as well?" She smirked. I chuckled and shook my head. "Good because I think Lara would kill me out of jealousy." We looked to see Lara glaring. She rolled her eyes and faced forwards.

"There." Dante pointed to a building strategically camouflaged.

"How do we get in?" Zayn's teeth chattered.

"Look for a guard and snag his key card." Alec walked forward. "Lara. Jade." The three of them zoomed off.

I wrapped an arm around Zayn. His lips were frozen shut, so he couldn't verbally thank me. I smiled when he rapidly nodded a thanks. Matt and Dante felt obligated to remove items of clothing to place around Zayn. Matt placed his scarf around Zayn while Dante gave Zayn another hat. Domenico then placed his earmuffs on Zayn.

The trio shortly returned with a few dead guards. They casually disposed of the bodies before showing the keycards. Lara took one for us to share. We divided into three teams. Lara , Alec, Dante, and I were one group. Matt, Jade, Lexi, and Taemin were another. And Zayn, Hailey, and Domenico were the last group.

We broke of into our groups and entered through different doors. I really wanted to kick down the door, but Lara and Dante held me back. Alec swiped the card, allowing the door to open. He held the door open for us.

I was surprised that the temperature was normal inside. I would've thought that it'd have been freezing inside like it was outside. I smelled many different scents inside. I realized that many species were being tested on here. I lowly growled at the fact. Lara held my hand, which immediately calmed me down. I gave her a grateful smile.

"What's the plan?" I asked them.

"Better to cover as much ground as possible." We nodded at Alec.

"I suggest we split up." Dante said. "I wouldn't be dumb to separate the two mates." He smiled at us.

"It's settled. Dante and I and then you and Lara." Alec stated. "10 minutes and then go into high alert mode." I nodded and they took off.

"10 minutes before they think the worst and drop everything to find us." Lara reiterated. "Where should we search first, my love?"

"I'd say picking up her scent, but..."

"We haven't seen her in so long that her scent has probably changed. Plus, I can't even remember what she smells like." Lara averted her eyes.

"Wait." I grabbed her arm. "I smelt her plushie. She last held it 10 years ago, but..."

"Worth a shot." She tugged me into a corner. I saw some laughing workers pass us. "Try it." She softly urged me as I discarded my outer layers.


I took a deep breath and focused on the different scents. It was hard to differentiate the smells. The smell of humans, werewolves, witches, and other supernaturals were blending together. I was getting frustrated, but I willed myself to focus on a particular scent. My eyes widened when I smelt something that had a lingering familiarity to it. Granted, the scent had evolved, but it was too familiar for it not to be her.

"I got her."

Bullet Between My Eyesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن