Past Few Days

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I tilted my head, "Kiri? You ok? Don't tell me my kiss was that magical!" I laughed. "Come on, I get half of the meat today because of what you promised me at the festival!"

We walked to lunch and sat down at the table.

Kaminari said, "Oh you DO know how to use the chopsticks. I thought you were lying."

I rolled my eyes, "Im going to pray im going against but I'm sure you wouldn't make it that far anyways."

Sero said, "Oooo~ ELECTROCUTED!"

Kirishima was really quiet the whole time like he was deep in thought. I mean he doesn't overtalk but...damn. Maybe I shouldn't have kissed might have made him uncomfortable. He seemed so deep in thought, he didn't notice the last piece of meat.

Since I was sitting next to him. I said, "Kiri?"

Kirishima POV

"Huh?" I looked over and Y/n was close to my face. "Um yes?"

"Do you want that last piece?"

" you can have it. A MANLY MAN IS ALWAYS GENEROUS....ESPECIALLY WHEN A YOUNG LADY GIVES HIM A KISS!" I'm probably blushing like crazy. She giggled at what I said.


I continued eating and said, "Did anyone notice that handy guy? You know with a bunch of hands?"

Bakugo said, "Yeah, what about-"

Announcement: Can Y/n please come to the front office?

I said, "Um...I'll be right back..."

~Why the hell would they call my name in front of everybody?~

Sero and Kaminari did the little kindergarten thing. "Oooo she's in trouble~" as I walked off. I got to- well I found my way to the office and saw Mr.Aizawa and....a rat? Mouse? Panda?

Mr. Aizawa said, "Y/n I would like to ask you about your quirk."

"Yes?" I sat down.

"Do you know your weakness?" Mr. Aizawa asked.

"Well...not really. I dont think I really have one...I mean i can't die?"

Principal Nezu said, "Every quirk has a weakness. Your quirk is fire and immortality, correct?" I nodded. "Hmm...its very important to know your weakness, Y/n. Its very dangerous if you don't. "

I thought about it for a minute. "Maybe it has something to do with my fire. Since fire comes out of my body it could POSSIBLY weaken the immortality. "

Principal Nezu said, "Lets try it!"

I said, "Try it? You want me to WILLINGLY put myself in fire."


~This guy is crazy~

"Well where are we going to get fire from?" I asked.

Principal Nezu made a quick one in a corner where it was kind of trapped. I carefully put my hand in fire and took it out when it started to burn. It didnt heal fact, it started to hurt.

"DAMN!" I held my hand kind of tightly but not too much. This is the first time where I FELT the actual pain.

Principal Nezu said, "Well we found it. It should heal but not as quickly like other injuries. "

Mr. Aizawa said, "We'll wrap it up, Y/n so it doesn't hurt as much." I smiled. Mr. Aizawa might look emotionless or whatever but he isn't as crazy as this Principal. We walked out and I covered my hand. I thanked him and walked back to the lunch room. It was weird having a bandage on...I wonder how I didnt notice this weakness. To be honest, nobody is around fire like that anyways. I arrived and said, "Hey girl hey! I'm back!"

Kirishima x black reader. *Ok, Sharkboy*Where stories live. Discover now