Find a way

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~My mama was a vigilante? Thats so cool.~

I asked, "So, how do I find her?"

Detective Wilson responded, "We have a few options. Keep in mind, Y/n, your mother still committed crimes. We could also see if she is on the villian side right now and put you as an undercover spy or simply just try to find her with a few techniques."

~Spy? Me going over there again?~

"But obviously if you do find your mother. It will be debated if she gets arrested or not. If you want, I'll see if I can get her off the hook. Being allies with someone on both hero and villian sides are very important. Call me back tomorrow to let me know what you want to do."

He got up and left the room. "Thats all from me today, good day, Hero Shoto and Immortal Afire."

I said, " which one should I do?"

Todoroki said, "I dont think the spy one is such a good idea."

"I know but All for one is locked up and its just that stupid other guy I don't like. Besides, nobody said she was in the LOV." I said.

"What other group of villians are they going to put you with then? I'm sure the LOV is your only option." He said, seriously.

Todoroki was dead serious about this. I know everything happened LITERALLY yesterday but its not like we're starting right away. We have time. I really want to find her. I saw that one glance of her when me and Todoroki were fighting her on the top of that building.

"You know what? I'm going to ask my father about her.", I said.

Todoroki said, "What?"

I got up from my seat to go find the Detective. I eventually found him in his office and requested to see All for one. He told me that they are still trying to get information and restrain. He will see if I can get some talk to All for one tomorrow.

~Bruh, why everything gotta happen tomorrow? I can't wait that long.~

I went back to the room me and Todoroki were at. I said, "You ready to go?"

He nodded and we got up to leave.

We arrived to the dorms and I told Todoroki bye and went to my room. Kirishima was still there knocked out.

~Hehe...puthay talented it do cartwheels.~

I laughed at myself and went to go sit down on the bed. He had woke up and said, "What were you laughing at?"

"Uh, nothing."

" did the thing go?" He aid.

I said, " see-"

He lifted his head up and said, "Here it comes."

"Shut up! You don't even know what I was going to say!" I lightly hit his head.

He said, "Wait is your pain gone?"

"Yes but- listen. So. We found the biological mother of ME, right? Just like I found out about my biological father. The thing is...we found my father in the LOV so to find my catching on?"

Kirishima's face got a bit serious, almost like a glare but a mix of concern. He said, "What if she's not in the LOV?"

I said, "Then I leave. Its not like he has the power to do anything. He is literally an irritated brat who scratches his neck."

"Y/n, I don't think-"

"You don't think its a good idea. I know, Todoroki said the same thing." I rolled my eyes.

Kirishima x black reader. *Ok, Sharkboy*Where stories live. Discover now