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The salty breeze of the ocean invigorated my senses as I looked out over the horizon. For as far as the eye could see, the ocean kept going — nothing could make me feel as small as the expanse of the wide open sea.

Whenever I visited the nearby beach, I couldn't help but become captive to the mesmerizing rhythm of the waves going back and forth. Hours and hours could pass like this and I would be none the wiser.

"This would be the spot," I said to myself. "This would be where it will all happen."


Sleep left me and as I opened my eyes, I craved its presence again.

I slept more peacefully on the ground than I did in that small white room. Even though the two rooms were very similar, I felt safer in the storage room, knowing there was a door and window. I felt like I was in control. I chose to be in this room. I didn't choose any of the rooms prior.

But I chose this one, and that made all the difference.

I rubbed my eyes, slowly luring myself out of my sleep-like state into a more alert one. As wonderful as that sleep had been, I had to get moving again. Time still moved on, even if I didn't. There were still more rooms to explore — possibly more discoveries awaited me just outside.

I glanced towards the window, suddenly remembering its presence. My outlet to the outside world. It was still there. Would it show me a new view if I looked again? Would I be able to see farther than before? Curiosity got the better of me and I slowly got to my feet.

My heart started beating more quickly as I walked. I knew it was silly, but after seeing so much white these past few days, I was eager for a change of scenery. A world filled with color and life. Something to remind me that I was still alive — that this life was worth living and fighting for.

Even the limited view I had last night was dark. Night had a way of making things seem more monochrome than it really was. Only the sun's warm rays could illuminate nature's true colors.

I walked closer and closer and closer until I was standing right in front of the window and I stared out. My blood felt like it had turned to ice, and I wondered if I was still sleeping.

When I looked through the window, there was no sun shining on the other side of the thin glass. The same tiny sliver of a moon stared back at me — it was like no time passed at all.

Except it had.

I felt refreshed, almost as if I had a full night's rest, but if morning didn't come after night, then what happened? Had time froze while I was in here? Was time passing no longer a constant?

Nothing made sense anymore, and I found myself spiraling deeper and deeper into my mind. The nonsensical thoughts returned full swing, but this time, I was ready for them. I let my mind wander to thinking about the ocean and unlike the last time I tried this, it actually worked.

This time, when I thought of the ocean, I had a much clearer picture. The blue waters stretched on and on but instead of its sheer size scaring me, it calmed me. So did the sounds of the waves crashing against the shore. The spiraling thoughts were no match to the peace it brought.

The sun was out, and it felt so warm against my skin. The entire experience felt too real to be a figment of my imagination, and then I remembered my dream. I had dreamt about the ocean.

Was it an old memory of mine? Was my memory starting to return? It was too soon to tell but a part of me wondered if leaving the white room made me remember a piece of me I had lost. If I stayed here longer, would more pieces follow? Would the puzzle start to make more sense?

For now, though, I had to continue my search for answers in the waking world. I couldn't spend all my time asleep in the hopes that my dreams would reveal the past for me. It was risky.

And as much as I wanted to recover everything I could, I knew I had to be careful. All I knew of this place was that I wasn't allowed to leave — not much else besides that was revealed to me.

So, if I was caught now, trying to leave, what would they do?

I didn't want to find out, so I had to make sure I wasn't caught. I was determined to do everything in my power to make sure that didn't happen — even if I had to keep running.

I walked over to where my makeshift bed was. Now that I wasn't starving or tired, I could focus better on the objects I used. The backpack was small and white — of course, it was white — and the two jackets were also white. I quickly dug around inside the backpack but it was empty.

Did it only have bread in it? Did someone intentionally leave it here for me?

The thought horrified me, so I shook it out of my head. I was a survivor and that was all that mattered. No one was in this room, so either no one knew I was here or... I was being watched.

The mechanical voice from before said that I wasn't allowed to leave, but it never specified where. What if my so-called escape was just a fabricated part of a larger experiment I was part of?

I had to find a way out of this place before I truly lost my mind once and for all.

At least the jackets felt soft. I ran my hands over them, and then, before I could change my mind, I started putting one on. It fit me perfectly, and it was then I realized I didn't pay much attention to the clothes I was already wearing. I looked down to see a white shirt and white pants.

To say I wasn't surprised would've been an understatement.

I tossed the other jacket into the backpack as a spare and to use again if I needed to sleep in another room. The backpack would come in handy if I found anything else I wanted to hang onto, so I decided to keep it. It's not like there was anyone around to tell me that I couldn't, so why not?

Loading the backpack onto my shoulders, I took one last look at the storage room. If I was lucky, I wouldn't end up back here again. Then I opened the door and re-entered the hallway.

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