23. The Lovers' Quarrel

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For self-explanatory reasons, Volya and Damir had set their tents some distance away from the rest of the Walkwe. Volya didn't realize just how far that distance was until he walked Liam to his orange-and-green dome.

He coughed surreptitiously. "Nice and private, right?"

"And lonely, but we can fix that," Liam replied, diving through the flap.

"Hmm, cozy," he continued from the inside. So much like Liam to find the silver lining. That's why he loved Liam. Plus, the way any pants hugged his legs was irresistible. Then there was his laughter. On top of the most obvious attraction—the voice that promised bliss and soothed all worries.

When Volya climbed into the tent, most of the space was occupied by Liam, even though he was sitting on the sleeping bag with his knees pressed to his chest, arms wrapped around them.

"You are not cold at night, bae? This looks pretty skimpy." The sleeping bag crinkled as Liam shifted his pretty butt on it. Before he would go through the well-being checklist (Does Volya eat well? Is he hydrated? Sleeps as a werewolf or a human?), Volya stretched right next to his lover and enveloped him in a hug. He commandeered Liam's warm, dry lips, for a few tantalizing seconds, then released them, before letting the kiss deepen.

"The secret is not over-layering." He shifted his hands to the dangling zipper tongue under the plush collar. "Just body heat and a sleeping bag do the trick. Want to try?"

Liam winked at him. "I can take that on faith."

This kind of nonsense warranted more convincing. Each kiss Volya landed was too light to last, yet too gentle to ignore. Volya browsed Liam's clothes with fingers that touched the rough wood of the shovel's handles and mud for so long. The electrifying sensation spread from his fingertips to all other appendages. This was Liam, here, with him, desirable to the n-th degree.

Today, he'd make love the way he always wanted, but never could. Slowly, softly, without being carried away by the tidal wave of lust into the dark well. Caresses were in his nature too, and they had long been oppressed by the flash-flood of the dominant genes.

"This is different." Liam's brow quirked.

Volya explored him from neck to abdomen, every square inch of skin with his lips, never teeth. "Are you warm, my good lad?" There was a fairy-tale like that, only it was strictly PG-13.

"Very," Liam asserted, sinking his fingers in Volya's hair to release the band that held together the latest growth. It fell over Volya's ears, tickling his jaw. He tried to imitate the same lightness as he reached for Liam's cheek, coaxing his head to tilt, to exhale into his lips. His eyes closed on their own. The kiss gripped him with a touch of the tongue. Liam's hand found its way below his t-shirt, with an excuse that Volya wasn't keeping up with the program. The electrons swarmed in the wake of Liam's browsing, sending the current through Volya's deprived flesh. They electrified his back, his belly, his legs and everything in between.

"Yes, it has been too long," Liam commented on what he had discovered.

Red-hot flash seared Volya's field of vision in response to that special throatiness in Liam's chuckles. He squeezed his eyes shut, tighter, whispering, "Let me have it my way... loving you, not fighting for dominance. I want..."

Liam melted into his embrace so eagerly, that Volya's heart ached. Good thing he had drilled himself to be triple-vigilant, because Liam, a human, would never understand how dangerous his trust in Volya was.

"I'll never hurt you," he vowed.

"Never doubted that," Liam said. "Every time you had transformed, you ran away from me."

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