10. And When She Was Good

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Volya wished his eyeballs could fall out like in a cartoon, because his mouth hanging open somehow just felt insufficient. Why he didn't faint was a testimony to the years of hardship that quenched his stoic character like a steel blade.

"Breathe," Liam advised behind his back. It was a solid piece of advice, but Volya's breath got locked half-way between his chest and his nose and just sat there. The only thing that lodged in his mind was centaur. It flashed in his consciousness like a neon sign and he couldn't move on from there. Centaur. Centaur. Centaur.

Anabelle, Liam's baby sister and a centaur, gave Volya a small wave and giggled. A totally normal reaction for any sixteen year-old, whose brother sprung his latest flea market find on her. Because that's how Volya felt standing between the siblings, like he was some piece of junk passed as a souvenir. Something that looked way more attractive on a stall in a quaint town far, far away.

His mind finally shifted into a higher gear, but all it produced was, Holy crap, this crap is real. Definitely not an intellectual turbo-mode.

Before his bellyaching had a chance to develop in earnest, Anabelle took the translating app for a workout of its lifetime. "Hi, Volya! Wow, Liam, you didn't tell him. I thought his jaw was going to fall off. Or his eyes would roll out of their sockets. Or maybe he'd pass out."

That's what he got for trying to be discreet. He didn't stare at her hooves, or her swishing tail, or anything. He stared at Liam, like why're you doing this to me?

Anabelle paused for half-a-second, presumably to allow Volya to put a word in. His mouth worked, but no words came out during the allocated time period.

No problem, Anabelle had enough words, squeals of delight and giggles to fill any pause. "Really, Liam! You say he is my only hope! You shouldn't give him a brain aneurysm."

"Technically, it's you who startled him," Liam teased. "What can I do if you have this kind of effect on men?"

"Pah. You're such an idiot." Anabelle puffed out her cheeks, then snapped her fingers in front of Volya's face. "Volya? Hey, Volya? Earth to Volya?"

"Hello, Earth," he managed morosely. She wasn't far off on her guess about him being about to pass out. He had thought he sounded dumb with Lydia yesterday. Well, he could only dream about sounding half-as-smooth as he had been back then now. "Ah. You're... ah..."

A frigging centaur? Wonderful. Maybe he should lead with something else, and subtly hint at the hooves later.

"You must be Anabelle?"

"Bingo! Yes, I'm her! The one and only centaur in existence!" The girl laughed, bowing from the waist with a flourish. She kinda sounded like she was proud of being a freak. Neat.

"Aha. Hi. But how are you a centaur? How?"

"Well, at least he didn't lose the gift of gab permanently. Liam, you're forgiven."

"Get off your high horse," Liam quipped. "You're enjoying this too much."

"Oh, I see what you did there. Stick with singing, bro, you'll not make it in stand-up comedy." When Anabelle's pretty mouth pouted, it looked even prettier, coming into a pink button. "How can I not enjoy this!"

"Indeed, what can possibly be better than rendering boys speechless!"

"What else is there for me?" She stuck an accusing finger into Liam's chest. "You and mom hide me in the wilderness like some princess with no-one of my own age to talk to."

"Yes, we treat you exactly the way you deserve to be treated," Liam said with a pretend sternness, then whispered, "like a princess."

Anabelle survived years of exposure to Liam's charm and evidently built up a lot of resilience.

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