Chapter Six

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A pounding head

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A pounding head. A dry mouth. Sweat glistened skin. These are all the signs that normally accompany my hangovers.

Flashes come to my mind and it's hard to tell which events happened when. There's my cousin, another guy, then a lot of drinking. That all seems logical and like what a budding alcoholic would remember, especially the heavy drinking.

But there's one thing I can't wrap my head around.

Someone pops into my mind. I can't make out her features, but something tells me she's gorgeous. Her scent lingers in my nose. Or that could just be the cloud-like pillow I'm laying on.

Sighing, I pull myself up and fight back the vomit trying to climb up my throat.

The room is dark. If it wasn't for the single streak of light peering through the curtains and blinds, I'd have thought it was still night. Squeaking accompanies the sound of my groans as I force myself out of the bed. It's a struggle as the mattress calls out to me, but I have to figure out where I am.

My feet meet the soft carpet. The first step I take is an unfortunate stumble that almost lands me back on the bed.

"No more drinking," I tell myself, knowing full well that's not true.

I shake my head as I head for the door. Just as I reach for the handle, it flies open with the softest creak. My head flies back as I avoid being hit. Thanking my quick reflexes even while hungover, I breathe out in relief.

"Oh shit, sorry. Are you okay?" Her voice is soft but strong, if that makes any lick of sense.

Blinking profusely, I just barely make out her features from the natural light shining through behind her. Seductive almond-shaped brown eyes meet mine. They have a cat-like slant which I'm struggling to look away from. Long eyelashes frame them and I feel she'll blow me away with each blink.

I move my gaze to her sculpted arched eyebrow as she raises it even more. There's a question on her face, possibly why I'm frozen in place. Right now, I can't be bothered to answer.

"Chance?" she calls out to me, lifting her arms to cross them.

But her speaking leaves me in a worse place. Zeroing in on her pink lips, I take note of how plump they are and how soft they look. Jesus, I want to kiss them and I haven't wanted to kiss anything since fucking Lacey.

"You're freaking me the fuck out now," she then says, narrowing her eyes on my and hugging herself tighter.

Those words help snap me out of my haze. Did I really just stand here and objectify this woman?

"Sorry." I clear my throat awkwardly, feeling sheepish and kind of sick with myself. "That... yeah, sorry. There's no excuse."

She only hums before turning and motioning me to follow her. Another breath of relief fills me as she doesn't seem too mad. Maybe she's used to getting stares? Somehow, that thought makes my skin crawl as if bugs are all over me. I don't like it.

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