Chapter One

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I rise from the bed with a large smile on my face

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I rise from the bed with a large smile on my face. Breathing in the smell of lavender and lemon, I look towards the bathroom. The door opens, letting out puffs of steam as cool air meets hot. I watch as my wife of seven years steps out in nothing but a towel. Admiration wells in my chest and mind as I get an eyeful of her delectable figure. Though we've been together for thirteen years, I'm still very much in love with her.

The sight of her still gets my heart racing. The sound of her voice still causes the familiar flutter within my stomach. Her kisses still cause explosions within me. Her touch still causes my blood to race. Even now, I have to force myself to stop from running over and yanking the white towel from her succulent body.

"I think we've talked about this, Chance," Lacey teases as she walks over to our closet.

Lacey. That was what had really gotten my attention in the first place, thirteen years ago in the halls of Jonathan Wilkes High School. It had been a private school, yet still held the same hormonal teenagers as any other high school. Before, I was talking to my own friends when I heard someone call out that name; Lacey. It was by chance that I looked up and caught the eyes of someone so beautiful that it made me speechless. Why did her name catch my attention? It's because she was wearing a lace kimono to cover her school uniform. At the time, I only called her coverup an unprotecting jacket without a closure.

It had been ironic to me, but it still gave me a reason to go up and talk to her. At the tender age of sixteen, I had fallen in love with Lacey Morgan. I admired her brunette hair which was cut short at the time, just barely grazing her shoulders. Her marvelous green always had me captured in their gaze and her skin was as soft as it is today. I can't say she was blemish-free because, like all teenagers, she did get acne, but it only made her more human, more beautiful. Perfectly imperfect. She had me wrapped around her pretty little finger before I could even properly introduce myself. And I've been wound there tight for thirteen years.

Now Lacey's hair is to the middle of her back and dyed red. It hadn't been something I particularly agreed with. I always thought she had beautiful hair and I didn't want her locks to be ruined by harsh chemicals, but she's her own person and I'd never stop her from doing something that would make her happy. So, she went and got her hair bleached then dyed. At least she had gone to the hair salon.

The red hair quickly grew on me after seeing how happy it made her. Like I said, I'm a sucker for this woman.

"Lace, all I want to hear is my name falling from your lips in about three seconds." I take a step towards the closet and her.

Our place is loft-like and perfect for a pair of newlyweds. That's why the two of us had picked it when we first got married. There's only one bedroom that has a connected bathroom. There's only one other restroom which can only be considered half since there's no shower or bath. The rest of our place is like one big room. The living room is the kitchen and the kitchen is the living room. Basically.

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