Chapter 24

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Author's PoV:

Mariam watched her son entering the house like a hurricane and heading straight towards his room. She wondered what happened to him all of a sudden. Frowning, she decided to call Saba and ask her.

Ahan, on the other hand, was furious over himself for reacting in such a manner. He blamed himself for losing control over his emotions and hurrying out of Ashiya's house like his pants were on fire. They must be suspicious, he thought and groaned. He decided to take a shower in order calm down.

Ashiya's PoV:

I was standing in my balcony, enjoying the breeze as it teased my skin and blew my hair, when I suddenly felt a presence behind me. Before I could turn around, I felt two mascular arms going around my waist and hugging me. I waited for panic to hit me but nothing happened. Instead, I felt calm and... blissful. I felt the person's chin on my shoulder as he breathed down on my neck. Slowly, I felt his lips on my ear and then he started kissing my hair. I leaned onto him, wanting for more as his grip on me tightened. Smiling, I turned around to see him and--

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUDGE!" I yelled and felt myself soaked in sweat. I looked around myself and realised what just happened. It was dream. A fudging dream. Ya Allah, what did that even mean???

"Ashu!" Ammi barged inside my room, looking worried as she cupped my face.
"What happened? Did you have a nightmare?"

I looked at her and saw her waiting for my answer. "Yes, a nightmare," I whispered. Ammi began to recite some verses from the Qur'an and then blew them on me.

"I'll sleep with you tonight," She said and I nodded.

Morning approached and I got out of the bed looking like a zombie. Sleep didn't come to me after that nightmare. What did it mean? Despite calling it a nightmare, it didn't feel like one. There were so many questions in my head that it ached. Why did I have such a dream? And why did I feel so comfortable in his arms? Astagfirullah, I should have pushed him off the balcony. But you didn't, my subconscious wiggled her eyebrows at me. Shaking such thoughts away, I walked towards the kitchen and decided to make some black coffee for myself.

"Hey," I heard Ammi's voice and turned around. She still looked worried, maybe because she knew that I couldn't sleep last night. I kept tossing right and left on the bed, probably disturbing her as well.
"Go freshen up, I'll make breakfast for you." I looked at the jar of coffee and then at Ammi. Breakfast is better I guess, I thought and smiled before leaving to freshen up.

Ahan's PoV:

When I saw Mom at the breakfast table the next day, she looked quite happier than usual. She smiled wide when she saw me. Cute, I thought, and weird too.

"Goodmorning sweety," she greeted and I greeted her back. Ayan and Arhaan joined us soon and they were also surprised at Mom's mood.

"Have you finally decided to get married?" Ayan whispered into my ears and I smacked him. "What?" he whined and Arhaan laughed. "Have you?" Ayan turned to Arhaan and the latter immediately made a straight face and shook his head. "Then why is she so happy?"

Mom came with our breakfast and sat down with us. Ayan gestured me to ask her and I did the same to Arhaan, who, being the good boy he is, obliged. "You look happier than usual, Mom," he commented.

"I am," she agreed and smiled again.

"Why?" all three of us said at the same time. "We mean, what's the deal? Anything special?" Arhaan quickly made up.

"Not really," Mom said and took a sip from her tea. "I'm just excited for something," she shrugged nonchalantly.

"And that thing is...?" Ayan asked in hope of getting some info.

"Can't tell you now, boys," Mom shook her head coolly making us frown. "Will do later, though" she promised and we looked at each other, confused as hell.




I was on my to my office when I saw a crowd on the roadside. What's happening? At first, I thought there must be some drama going on since desi people love drama and can watch it anywhere and everywhere. But then I decided to ask and when I did, I was shocked. There was an old woman laying on the ground due being hit by a vehicle and the people were looking at her, waiting for somebody to help. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS WORLD?? I barged out of my car and approached the crowd. I shoved everyone away and saw the woman laying helplessly on the ground. My blood boiled but I had a more important duty than to lash out at these fools.

I picked her up and walked towards my car. The woman wasn't heavy at all. She looked rather malnourished. Ya Allah, please help.


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