Chapter 12

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Ashiya's PoV:

It was 4pm and there was no one at home except me. I was in my room, playing a game on my phone, when I heard footsteps coming from the hall. I got up and went to see who it was and found Ahan sitting on the couch. He was busy with his phone and didn't notice when I entered the hall.

"You came early today...?" I asked and he looked up. He gave a slight nod and then returned his focus to his phone. I stood quiet for few seconds before speaking again, "I know you were lying today..." His eyebrows furrowed and he looked up again, this time with questioning eyes, "on the dinning table." He still looked at me confused and I made my way towards the couch on which he was sitting. As soon as I sat down, he stood up immediately like a reflex. "Look, I know it's difficult but you shouldn't not lose hope. Every love story has its own ups and downs and yours is no exception. I know it's more difficult in your case but it's okay, I can help you if you want..." I spoke softly and he stared at me as if I had grown two heads. "You don't have to hide it from me, I know everything..." I said with a smile.

"What are you talking about, woman?" He asked tersely.

"About you and your lover." He didn't seem to register my words at first but when he did, his eyes became the size of mine.

"What?" He almost yelled, "Are you mad? Who told that I have a lover?" He asked impatiently.

"Nobody told me. I heard you talking last night when you returned from office," I answered and he face palmed himself.
"It's okay, I'm not going to tell Khala about it until you both--"

"That was my employee and not lover," he interrupted me. I blinked. He's lying.

"What?" I stood up immediately.

"That girl you heard me talking to, is my employee," he said staring at my face, "now if you're done with your love lesson then can you please excuse me..." I stood dumbfounded. Was he telling the truth? I looked at him who was now walking towards his room. I guess he was. He didn't flinch while talking so that means what he said was truth. Oh! Okay. It happens, no worries. It was just a misunderstanding. It's fine. No big deal. "And please consult a psychiatrist, you need help," I heard him before he entered his room and shut the door.

Ahan's PoV:

This girl...I wonder what goes on in her mind all the time. How can she even think of something like that? I mean, I know it's normal for our generation to be engaged in such stuff but that is not me. My Islam doesn't allow me to do such things and I'm happy in obliging to the rules laid by My Lord. I may not be a perfect Muslim but I'm still one.

Cursing, I took off my shirt and made my way to the bathroom. A cold shower might help in washing off all the madness from today.

After I was done, I slipped into my sweat pants and grey tee. My head still felt heavy due to all the work from day so I decided to make some tea for myself.

As I walked out of my room, I saw the troublemaker sitting on the couch. She was talking to someone on her phone. She looked at me and then quickly looked away. What? Ignoring her, I made my way towards the kitchen.

"Nah, not my thing," she said to something over the call, "no no no, you got married because you were lucky to find Kemal. Guys like him are limited edition and I'm sure they've gone out of stock by now." What does she mean by that? And does she think that the guys here are no good for her? And who is this Kemal guy? What, is he Mr. Perfect or something? Woah, why do I seem so affected? I should probably not care what she thinks...she's just a troublemaker with no sense at all! A minute went by before she spoke again, "Yupp, you stay happy with your husband and I will stay happy with my crushes." Crush-es?? "Allah Hafiz bae," she said and hung up the call. Without sparing a glance at me, she straight away went to her room.


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