Chapter 3

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"I am so sorry," I said to Mariyam Khala who was sitting on the chair next to my bed. I felt really embarrassed after that weird incident. The thing is that I'm really very scared of jinns, plus it was really dark when he entered my room so my reaction was quite obvious.
No dear no sane human behaves like the way you did! My subconscious retorted and I face palmed myself.

But the question that bothered me the most was 'DID HE CATCH ME WITHOUT MY HIJAB WHEN HE CAME TO MY ROOM? ' I can't remember if I had my hijab on at that time. I am really scared.
What if he did see me? Ya Allah please forgive me.

"It's okay baby. It was not your fault. You guys are seeing each other after so long so it's obvious that you couldn't recognise each other," she said bringing me out of my thoughts. That's true. But still... it felt weird. "Come, it's time to have lunch. "I nodded and then followed her out of the room to the dining hall.

As I stepped into the hall, I saw Arhaan and Ayan sitting. They were talking or maybe fighting over something. Ahan was sitting there too but I didn't want to look at him after what happened between us.

I went near the dining table and sat on a chair next to Khala. "Assalamoalaikum" I said.
"Walaikum Assalam,"everyone replied.

"Hey Ashuu! How are you?  Long time no see ha! "Ayan said. Before I could reply, I got interrupted by Arhaan.

"You saw her last week when you went to meet Khala,  idiot! " Ayan made an annoyed face and I laughed.

"Whatever "Ayan muttered.

I could feel someone's eyes on me but I didn't dare to look up. How could I?  After all he saw me without my hijab. Or maybe not. I don't know. Ya Allah help me.
We had our lunch and talked about our studies and some stuff. Ahan was quiet throughout. He didn't speak a word. Later, when I was about to leave the hall, I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw HIM staring at me with an expressionless face. I looked down and muttered a "sorry" before walking or shall I say running to my room.
It was 1:35 a.m. and I felt thirsty. I looked at the table beside the bed and saw a water jug. But it was empty. Oh! Now I have to get up and go to the kitchen.

Lazily, I came out of my room and headed towards the kitchen. It was dark but I could see things because of the moonlight coming from the window of the kitchen. I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and drank from it. I turned to leave the kitchen and as I was about to reach the kitchen door, I bumped into something. No no no!  Not him!  Please!

"What are you doing here at this time?" and it was him. Great! It's like the world is wishing for me to get embarassed around him.

"I wanted to drink water," I said keeping my eyes on the floor. "Sorry" I said and was about to leave when I remembered something. Nervously,  I looked at him and saw him already staring at me. "Umm...I wanted to ask you something." I said.
He looked at me with his eyebrow raised  but nodded anyways.

"Actually... when you came to my room... Did you... I mean... Umm.."I did not know how to ask that but I continued "Did you see me without my hijab?"I asked.

He looked funnily at me for a second but shook his head and said, "No." As soon as those words entered into my ears I felt relieved. "When I entered into the room, you were sleeping. I don't know if you were wearing your hijab or not but your head was covered with the blanket and only a little bit of your face was visible," he clarified.
Thank you Allah thank you so much!!! 

"Okay" I said and left the kitchen heading towards my room and to sleep peacefully.

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