Chapter III: Curiosity kills

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This chapter is dedicated to MissRosalynn and @rosemaryblessings

Warning Content contains violence.

Standing shocked, she was watching the excruciating pain of a shift that looked to be the first one ever. Her bones crunching and cracking in directions that it shouldn't face. If she hadn't experienced it before, then she would be traumatised by the sight and how painful it looks.

Her face contorted in pain as her body prepared for a shift, one of her arms was bent in a perfect right angle with her elbow being pushed in before becoming obtuse.

She couldn't imagine the immense pain this girl was going through and she couldn't do anything to help her. So maybe she wasn't similar to herself at all when it comes to the ability of hiding her scent. She knew her face was blank as soon as the rogues came in, curious to what the noise was, but didn't they know curiosity killed the cat? well in this case the wolf.

One of the men tried to get close to her as her shift prolonged. The leader shouting at them to control her and stop her from shifting. It was all over for the poor scared pussy cat. He looked like he was new to the group. The smell of piss filling the air as his dirty tan pants grew a few shades darker at his crotch, dripping down his right leg. She cringed at the site. He was a turned wolf. Born wolves and turned wolves each had a different distinct scent that hides in the background of their scent and the scent of which pack they belong to; If they belonged to any. He didn't stand a chance as this full blooded born wolf dived her claws into his flesh, he screamed out for help, but this wolf wasn't having it as she dug at his face and throat.

This must be her first kill.

This is what the rogue life does to someone. Without a pack, it's either die or kill to survive in this viscous world. She could feel it too, her bones tingled and her muscles tightened as it clenched around other wolves.

She had to keep on her, ready for the next possible kill. It was stupid of her to let her guard down just because her scent couldn't be smelt, doesn't mean that she would be safe from everything and everyone.

"You stupid bitch", the leader came closer to me his face red like a chilli pepper, " Control your god damn stupid cell buddy".

I let out a small chuckle and kept my face neutral, "You wanted to kidnap two girls then you should've been prepared. Wolfsbane can only do so little damage, but you wouldn't know anything would you?" She couldn't help but let her mouth run, and as she finished her sentence, he came raging like a bull, if only she had a mirror then maybe he would be distracted by the colour of his face.

They added extra chains to the cell, the girl was in, she managed to swipe at multiple men causing them to bellow out in pain. After the girl shifted back from her brown and red tinged wolf, the men left, however the chains remained in place.

After being left in this prison for nearly a year maybe more, She was beginning too lose her patience, not knowing how they would escape when this place is crawling with so many other men in comparison to the two of them.

She learned that the girls name was Kelly, she was about to turn 16 years old, well maybe 17 now and that being here wasn't her first shift ever, but her first shift after her wolf went dormant for a couple of years. She also became rogue when her small pack was murdered with only a few of them escaping.

Flash back:

She was kind of a rebel at the age of 14. After she first shifted into her wolf she felt alive. Her father was a protective beta and she would always sneak out to shift. Her wolf was beautiful with the brown fur that had red streaks throughout and a white belly. Even her mother wouldn't let her out with her high school friends.

She shifted two years earlier than everyone else.

She was sneaking outside to let her wolf be free. Her wolf didn't like having to be inside all day. she jumped out of her window and as soon as the forest came into a clear view she'd take her clothes off; tying her clothes to her ankle before she shifted. she would let her wolf take over, giving her the best feeling in the world. One that every wolf loves to feel, and that's the freedom that running around wildly in the forest could bring you.

After two hours of running her wolf let her take control and she was laying next to a lake. Enjoying the soft cool breeze that moved her fur.

She fell asleep next to the lake only to be woken up by a loud banging sound that became high pitched and static. She ran away from the chaos and also saw the beasts with the blood red eyes. I shiver at the mention of red eyes.

Her wolf took over and bolted through the forest. Her wolf continued running until she had crossed over into the next pack.

The alpha came along with some of his warriors after his patrol and found her at the line not moving, just watching the trees continue to burn away.

Since that night her wolf went dormant from the excessive loss of losing family and a whole pack. Especially an alpha that was meant to lead her and guide her, her wolf didn't know how to cope and became premature to control.

Flashback ended.

A lot of fighting could be heard from a far distance. They didn't think much of it until it progressively got louder by the minute.

something feels wrong, maybe confusing.

It wasn't until Rogue men were screaming outside about the borders being breached and screams of death. Listening was chilling to the bone. The viscous deathly growls could be heard. Strong auras could be felt that she was feeling slightly chilled to the bone.

She began to worry, this young she wolf is too young to die, she was looking around trying to figure out how do they get out? We are rogues, who would save them? They had nobody. Maybe this pack would be acceptable to us being in a dirty cell and beaten. Hopefully they had sympathy whoever this pack was.

A lot of rogues began rushing around. "What's going on?" She asked.

The rogue that abused her multiple times came into her cell and attacked her. The sheet being ripped away from her. He growled in her ear.

"You filthy slut. Did you lead them here? Are you under cover?" He pulled her hair and she screamed at him.

"No! I didn't I swear. Who is here?" She panicked, but tried not to show it even though her hands were against her side as they trembled.

"The Shadow pack." As if on cue, she heard a deep aggressive howl. She was confused by the reaction it caused her.

It was a combination of pleasant and horror at the strongest pack name who was led by a cold alpha.

We are so dead.

© 2018 Emily Rose. All Rights Reserved

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