Chapter I: Oblivious

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A/N: Not edited. The song is Ben Cocks- So Cold
P.S I would like to give shout outs to you readers so please comment and vote, and I'll select a couple of people each time 🧡

The time of autumn could be seen as an era where many things surrounding them would die in this cycle of life. Many leaves taking the form of a new colour as their stems began to loosen from the trees branches.

But Isla didn't see autumn as being eerie for death, or for autumn themed treats. It was none of that.

Autumn was a time that someone could leave something behind that they no longer believed should live inside of them.

She felt something swelter inside of her. Something dark. But she would leave that behind.

Autumn was the time that she would finally be able to escape her captors hold. She would finally be free like a falling leaf that could finally detach from the branches that held her.

However she had no where else to go.
Children are oblivious to the harsh things in life. They're parents and loved ones protected them from it all.

Isla was yet to comprehend what the meaning of life was and the process it brings.

Because in the blink of an eye, a child can be unleashed into the real world and forced to stand against the darkness it can bring.


"Mama, mama. Look what I did for baby." She held up her card for her mama to see. Her hands and face were covered in glitter.

"Oh sweetie." Mama laughed picking her up, being careful of her pregnant belly.

"Can I read it to him. I'm getting gwood at it." Her toothy grin smiled brightly.

"You sure can, but let's go show daddy and you can read it for all of us." She poked her daughters sides making the little girl giggle in playful delight.

"Daniel." She opened his office door. "Look what Isla did for the baby." She let out a quiet laugh. "Not now Alissa, I'm busy." He snapped.

"Daddy... You haven't been... happy lately daddy." The little girl bit her lip trying to hold back the tears but she started sobbing.

Her daddy looked up from his desk and got up quickly. Picking his daughter up and sitting back in his chair with her on his lap. "I'm sorry baby girl, but daddy is the Alpha and I've been busy. You'll understand one day." He kissed her forehead and smiled brightly. "How's my baby girl doing?" Mama came over and wrapped her arms around daddy giving him a quick kiss. "I did a card for the baby." She smiled once more. Her mood changing dramatically as she held her parents full attention.

"Oh sweetie you're covered in glitter," he laughed, " so are you going to read it?" He opened the card.

She replied with a quick loud "YES I AM!"

"Dear baby. I can't wait to meet you. I'm going to keep you safe and be there for when you are in trouble and don't want mommy and daddy to find out," her parents laughed before she continued," I hope you come to play soon. I hope you come soon. I love you little brother. Love from big sis." She was a goofy young child. She was happy with the love she received from her family. And she was proud of herself that she could make her mommy and daddy happy too. Suddenly the older woman gasped and fell to the ground crying and smiling.

"Alissa? baby what's wrong?" The alpha asked concerned.

"Daniel. He's coming. I think he wants to meet Isla." She smiled.

They were at the pack hospital as Isla's mother was going into labour. She was left outside with the nurse at the front desk. Although this nurse was doing the wrong thing and not watching her. But she was getting swamped with calls from pack officials wondering if the next alpha boy would be born. Isla felt a strong urge to go outside, so she snuck away from the nurse as she was distracted. Her parents won't be happy.

'Continue walking further into the forest. It's time.' A voice echoed in her mind. She continued walking and eventually She came to full stop. Turning around she could see that the pack house and hospital were now far away. "Maybe I should go back. Mommy and daddy won't be happy if they find out." She mumbled under her breath.

A loud bang filled the air. A static, high pitched noise was all she could hear. A flash of white that was so bright That she had to close her eyes and hide under a rock that was like a little cave in the ground. When the light faded she looked to see everything on fire. Her home. Her pack. The village. Everything was gone. The smell of blood in the air. These creatures were roaming through the area. Destroying everything. Then she feared the worst.what happened to her parents and her baby brother. All she saw was red. A sharp pain coursing through her body. bones breaking. She blacked out.

End of flash back.

She opened her eyes, pushing her wet hair away from her face as she swam up from the lake. The moon light glistening along the water. She shifted at the age of 8. It's been 9 years since that unfortunate event to happen. She was considered a rogue now. But she had somehow managed to gain the ability of hiding her scent, which comes in handy. Without her scent and the fact that people believed her to most likely be dead. She knew she was non existent to the world, but she didn't mind it. Her identity died along with the day her pack was destroyed

she swam to the lakes dock; climbing the ladder that was worn out, she walked into a cave that she had created a fire in and was still burning, the cackling sound of the sticks breaking ricocheting off the stone walls. Being a werewolf was complicated with the labelling of being rogue, even when pack wolves don't know the background story, they were always quick to judge.

She sat at the edge of the flames as she dried her hair. She has come across other wolves; to them she seemed like the average mundane that is just travelling the outdoors. The wolves that are in packs are better than the rogues as it is a packs job to be careful around humans, as the werewolf kind is not known. Rogues however kill most mundanes as they are weak humans that they can prey on for a feast. Small drops of water landed on the pants that Isla found in the woods. The once dryness, was now saturated as the water diffused across the warm fabric.

Removing the towel, She could feel her scar on her left shoulder blade resting on her back. A painful reminder of what being a female rogue meant. She could still feel the hot iron and the taunting torture that he caused.

She peaked outside of the cave to look at the stars as they came to life once again.

"Goodnight Mama. Goodnight Papa." She wondered if she could ever truly be free from any form of pain.

Love could be amazing. Love could be painful.
She hoped one day, She would find the one for her and she would be able to experience it all and end up with a happy ending.

But the reality is, life isn't like a fairytale at all.

She would hear many stories about the wars that broke out between the wolves, which made her wonder, where in the world did society go so wrong.

Her eyes felt heavy as the darkness closed in as her lids closed.

Her body exhausted from the hunting and defence against rogues.

The darkness took over and she accepted it.

© 2018 Emily Rose. All Rights Reserved

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