Chapter IV: Cold Eyes

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This chapter is dedicated to JossTheWriter

A/N: not edited.

After she heard the howl, she was slammed into the ground by the rogues henchmen. Meanwhile he fled from the rundown building. The bulky wolf's foot came down on her and she heard a crunching sound, followed by her own scream as she felt a strong pain wreck through her torso. She grabbed a hold of his foot, and using the little wolf strength she could muster with the wolfsbane in her system, she broke his fibula before moving onto his tibia.

He groaned out in pain before falling on top of her. She cried out from the pain when he landed on her broken ribs. She heard a low growl and could smell a woodsy and rain scent.

It couldn't be, could it?

The rogue got off her slightly and looked over to his side. She tried pushing him off and whimpered from the pain but failed. He was tackled off her by a blur of black. The large wolf was black as a night with no lights. The wolfs muscles could be seen moving. His jaw locked on the rogues leg as he screamed in pain. Even though the dirty rogue was like the hulk, it seemed as though he weighed nothing as the dominant wolf shook him around. She felt some of his blood flick onto her and splattered on the walls.

Once this male wolf was satisfied, his bones began crunching and moving under his skin. Replacing the wolf, stood a strong male. One that she felt her wolf perk up at and also wanted to challenge as she felt the strong aura that permeated through the air. She pushed her beast down, they weren't going to challenge a pissed off alpha male.

His muscles were well toned. His skin had been gently kissed by the sun, not too much to be golden but he wasn't pale either. His hair was a dark brown nearly black and was a mess. His eyes were an obsidian pitch black. She could feel the authority coming off of him in waves. His wolf was in control. She crawled away from him, worried his wolf would harm her and she covered herself with the bloodied sheet. She felt so weak. This male was doing something to her emotions and body without even trying to. She couldn't breathe properly from her ribs being broken. She was wheezing and began coughing, a small amount of blood coming from her mouth. One of her ribs had punctured into a part of her lungs.

The male in front of her turned around fully, standing in his naked glory. Their eyes meeting and locking onto each other. He was her male. Her mate stood in front of her staring and her wolf was proud of the strength this male had proven to us.

Her mate came over growling and grabbed the bloodied sheet. She covered herself with her hands and waited for his reaction to her banged up body. His hand was shaking with rage, his eyes coming back to his normal iris,she found herself staring into grey blue eyes. A male came into the room stating that only a couple of rogues escaped, but they kept one for questioning. A pair of shorts and two shirts were passed to him. He threw a dark grey shirt towards her but when she caught it, She had to take a double take from the pain it brought her from the sudden fast movement.

He told her to follow him. She questioned whether this male recognised her as his mate or not.

She placed her hand on his arm and felt the tingles as she stared into his eyes. A couple of emotions ran through his eyes, his mouth parting slightly before returning into a thin line.

She was stunned. He was confused and angry about the bond they shared. He shrugged her off.

They walked outside, squinting her eyes at the sun. The rogues bodies were being thrown into the rundown place before being lit on fire. The putrid smell of burning flesh filling the air, she heard retching and looked to find Kelly throwing up, with a male looking slightly disappointed but unsure of what to do.

A medic was checking the shadow pack warriors, but not once did he look her way, or Kelly's.

She sat against a tree as her mate was ordering his pack members and requesting the names of all who had died in this battle they were in today.

She got her claws out, one of the pack men yelling a cuss word, no doubt confused to why he smelt human yet she had claws protruding where her nails were. The other pack members looked at her stunned. She lifted the shirt to see how bloodied and bruised her right ribs were. She poked around to find the protruding bones. A crowd of males watching as their interest peaked. Her male was growling at the commotion before standing in front of her, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and rose when She dove her hand into her lower chest. She let out a low groan from the pain but continued to stare back into his eyes, her wolf was challenging him to why he wasn't looking after her. She found the rib that is punctured in her lung in no time and she broke it back into its place, even with the black dots that filled her vision, she wasn't going to be the first to break it.

"What the fuck did you just do?" His feet banged on the ground like steel. His pack wolves walking away from their pissed alpha.

"My lung was punctured by a rib bone, if I left it in for any longer then I would've died. I was already coughing up blood that was slowly starting to clot",  One of the packs medics handed her a bandage to do herself, bowing his head slightly, she let a small amount of her alpha genes pour out of her pores. "Did you want me, your own mate, to die?" She gritted out. The wolves around stood shocked at the revelation.

"I'm not supposed to have a mate, whose to say that your not some dark witch?" His first words directed towards her had her wolf raging, she let her take some control as their black eyes met his grey eyes. She stormed up to him and stood, even though she was at least a foot shorter, she wasn't going to let this male dictate and make assumptions of who she is.

"Well tough luck honey, because I'm a full blooded alpha and you're messing with the wrong woman, you're stuck with me, and i'm stuck with you. So don't be a thorn in my ass." She sassed at him.

A couple of males hooted causing the alpha to break contact and glare at them, causing them to go back to doing whatever they were doing.

"We'll see about that", he paused, " honey". His eyes looked coldly at her before he shifted and howled for his pack warriors to follow. Kelly who had fainted was being put in a car. The pack doctor came up to her.

"Sorry for not introducing myself, the alpha is my second cousin. The name is Damien." He held out his hand for a handshake which she stared at before hesitantly shaking his hand. " Would you like a hand in wrapping the bandage around your torso?"

After he helped her with her ribs, she sat in the car next to a passed out Kelly along with the guy from before who was looking at her disappointed. The pack doctor sitting in the further back seat along with a pack warrior.

Isla pushes a strand of her behind her back ear, as the males whispered, time to see how cold this alpha can be.

© 2018 Emily Rose. All Rights Reserved

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