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Bella Swan

She finally had what she wanted. After all this time, this pain, this longing she finally gained the immortality she so desperately wanted. Bella Swan would have never thought that she would fear growing old, it was simply the way that life pans out. However, it only took one small suspicion, one small glimpse into the world where you would never grow old, never tire or ache. Even before Edward has exposed himself and his family to the once human girl, she had her theories of what the Cullens were.

She wished though that she had been turned sooner, left to turn in the ballet studio and become what, in her mind, she was truly meant to be. This was the life that she was destined for. It belonged to her. She would never admit it to herself but she couldn't stand the idea of being physically older than Edward, she detested it with every burning fibre of her undead being.

The Prince Charming that Bella had always been dreaming of never seemed to change as she grew up from her childish dreams. She always imagined her one true love to be intelligent and kind, older than her and rather tall, and most importantly he must be as irrevocably in love with her and she was with him. Edward fit almost all of these categories, though sometimes his decision making and overall competence could be questionable.

Bella did not believe that her being physically older than her now-husband would irritate her so. Maybe it was her newborn emotions raging out of control, she would reason to herself. But what she didn't seem to realise was that she was just as unhealthily and sinfully obsessed with her youth as much as she was with Edward.

Bella pushed to be changed as often as she could, as many times and she could. Each danger-filled situation she would find herself in just fanned the flames behind her obsession, each providing yet another reason as to why she should be immortal. But nobody caved. Not even as a Voltari guard was sent down to make sure she turned and she was livid. In Bella's mind, Felix was sent to ensure her turning happened, the idea that mates could not be separated nor would want to be separated barely fluttered across her consciousness. Edward never taught her the laws unless it was absolutely called for.

But ultimately Bella believed she was special, worth dying for. As much as she pretended to care for the wolves in the battle or for the family that had so graciously accepted her with open arms she couldn't help but internally preen at the idea of all these beings of such great power putting their lives on the line for her. She lived for it. But now, now she had the power, the strength, the speed. She could do anything, be anything she wanted. She had Edward who she knew would do anything for her and Alice the seer who could always see what lies on the road ahead.

But what the brunette didn't realise was what happening at the Cullen household while she and Edward were away. Something that would change the course of her life forever.

As they ran up through the dense forest into the Cullen territory, something felt different. Happier than the usual aura of the Cullen household. Approaching the door Bella could smell something sweet like vanilla and it sent a deep burn down her throat. Edward hadn't lied about animals being unsatisfying, while Isle Esme had plenty of wildlife to help curb her newborn thirst, she felt as if there was just something missing. Bronze brows were frowned in deep confusion as it also seemed like Edward wasn't expecting Lilith to be at the Cullen household.

Coming up into the living room Bella was met with the most unexpected sight. Lilith was sat down on the sofa with Rosalie's head on her lap. The envy came crawling back at the sight. Bella couldn't even get Rose to spit in her direction yet here her sister was acting as if they were best friends. Even more curious was the ethereal looking baby in Rosalie's arms. The child in question was far too perfect to be human. Smooth pale skin that even her vampiric eyes could not find a single flaw on paired with gleaming grey eyes filled with pure childish excitement. It was clear by the small toughs of golden blonde hair that the baby was Rosalie's however, she couldn't begin to imagine how.

Rosalie resented her, no, envied and yearned for her ability to have children Bella reminded herself with an inflated sense of ego. Yet here she was in broad daylight with a child that was seemingly her own. Candied orange eyes glancing over to Emmett whose face was filled with love at the slight of Rosalie and the baby girl. If the newborn had any information to go by then this child did in fact come from the mates. But she couldn't fathom how.

The more she tried to piece it together the angrier she became. Bella Swan had never thought about having children of her own. She was too young and naive to ponder such things. She had barely graduated high school and had better things to worry about. Yet looking at the domestic scene before her she couldn't help the overwhelming rage and disgust. Is this what she would have wanted from life? Is this what Edward meant when he said he couldn't give her a normal life? Is this the resentment that Rosalie would feel looking at her? if it was she hated it. Dispised it. Wished to cast it aside and move on but she couldn't.

It was sickening really just how quickly and pathetically she had succumb to these feelings. To the hatred. She wished that the domestic bliss would just stop. It didn't even seem like anyone had noticed the newlyweds return either. Felix and Emmett protectively watching their mates. Carlise subtly keeping his eyes on the dhampir child from the kitchen, his doctoral instincts on the back burner in case the child needed anything, Esme not far from his side preparing lunch for her Lilith. Alice was online shopping in the corner, squealing to Jasper every now and then uttering adorances at the items on the screen.

Before she could control it a shrill almost raspy hiss left her throat and instantaneously the atmosphere of the house changed. Emmet and Felix now crouched in front of the sofa, eyes blazing with firey protection as deep grows left their chests. Rosalie had now pulled the baby into her chest with her spare arm kept close around Lilith. Jasper and Alice had guarded the back sides of the sofa. Alice clearly attempting to force a vision of the next few moments.

"Edward, Bella" Carlisle tried to placate with a warm smile and open arms "It's good to see you have returned, we trust you two enjoyed yourselves?" but before Edward could utter a response he was cut off by Bella's threatening growl.

"How is any of this even possible?"

Thanks for reading~

And thank you for all the positive comments as it really means a lot to me~

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