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Lilith Swan

It had been tense ever since my sisters return, fortunately for dad they hadn't told him how long their honeymoon would be so I didn't have to tell him about Bella just yet. But honestly, there was a selfish part of me that didn't want to be the one to tell him. As much as she treated him poorly, he still loved her dearly, she is his daughter after all. It would break his heart.

Dorathea had been growing quickly although this was to be expected as a dhampir and her growth would stop soon as a result. She hadn't particularly taken to Bella either which only made it more awkward to be in the Cullen household. Luckily though she seemed to like it over at our Swan house and would gladly visit with Rose and Emmett. Something about Bella and Dorothea seemed to naturally clash much like oil and water, maybe it was something she had inherited from the blonde vampire. She in only a few weeks looked now like a six-year-old child, clearly having Rose's shiny golden hair which fell in loose waves around her exceptionally pale face. Though her completion only made her marble grey eyes stand out. The only indication that she wasn't fully vampire was the pale dusting of pink that settled across her cheeks and nose, thus showing that she had blood in her veins.

Today was one of the few days that Felix and I had decided to go over to the Cullens. We more so avoided it now due to Bella's piercing glares and sour attitude. However, today seemed to be better. Emmett, Jasper and Felix were playing quite competitively on a games console on the far end of the room, while Edward was reading near the piano over the other end. Carlisle was working and Esme and Alice were doing something or over near the kitchen, happily smiling with each other. Rose, Dorothea and I had decided to sketch on the floor, Dorothea has started showing great interest in art as she's developed. Often drawing adorable and sweet images of her family or of mythical creatures she would read bout in stories.

Currently, she was putting her efforts into something special as she had delightfully explained, refusing to show me or her mum until it was 'perfect', her tongue was poked out in utter concentration as she continued to draw. Her hands were moving much faster than any human could possibly hope, coloured pencils being switched out quickly as she worked. It was almost sad that she would grow so quickly, these innocent moments would be fleeting as time moved on, however, she would also live much longer than anyone else could hope. Alternatively, she could choose to become a full vampire once she's matured. Which we all secretly hoped she would, though we will respect if she chooses not to. I'll miss her once we leave for Italy, but hopefully, we would be allowed to visit.

Before I could continue my melancholy thoughts they were cut off by a set of light footsteps entering the living room. Bella had decided to grace us with her presence, quickly joining Edward by the piano. Lately, I have noticed that he doesn't seem as enamoured with the brunette, not as he once was before she was turned. Maybe turning her had finally shown him that they weren't mates, and now she had no blood left to pine after he wasn't as attached. But one could only speculate.

Dorothea looked up from her sketchpad at her arrival before a cute frown scrunched her face. If she wasn't so cute and with such chubby cheeks then it might have been terrifying, defiantly something she would grow into as an adult. Her grey eyes seemed to freeze the immortal in place the longer she looked, almost crushing the red pencil in her tiny fist. Edward also seemed to freeze before he looked helplessly overwhelmed. It was almost as if he was in pain as his hands rose up to massage his temples, his teeth gritted and almost growling.

"Edward, are you okay?" Esme's motherly yet concerned tone broke whatever spell was cast upon the room and everything seemingly went back to normal. But this did however catch the attention of the men on the other side of the room who now respectively came to join their other halves. Felix sitting down and pulling me onto his lap as Emmet sat behind Dorothea and Rose.

"I could read Bella's mind" time seemed to stop at the revelation "It's like her mind is a box, one that I can't open, I've never been able to with my gift. However it was like someone else forced it open and I could hear everything" he sounded confused and slightly distressed at the turn of events. This shouldn't be physically possible, unless?

Dorothea has a gift

When she was glaring at Bella her gift must have activated? or maybe finally revealed itself. "It was Dorothea, maybe her gift can break down shields?" I spoke up to the room, physic powers weren't uncommon in humans, whether you believed in the occult or not, or if your religion believed in them or not. Hell, I was one example of such a case and Garnet has friends who specialised in more psychic based crafts. Bella being a shield of some kind wouldn't be abnormal, there were some people even going so far as to develop forms of psychic shields themselves for protection.

"She's gifted?" pride filled Rose's voice at the idea as she pulled Dorothea into her arms. She had grown anxious at the eyes in the room now looking at her. "Am I in trouble, I didn't mean it" she whispered now fiddling with the cracked pencil in her hands.

"No, no of course not honey, if anything we're proud of you" the blonde calmed her down quickly.

"So she can break shields?" Emmet asked from behind the pair.

"I believe so, it would explain why Edward could suddenly read Bella's thoughts after all this time" I responded.

"Or maybe it's the first time she's had any thoughts at all" Felix piped up from behind me and I had to hide my laughter in my hand. Despite the disapproving look from Esme, I could see that Rose and Emmett were also trying to fight their smiles.

"What did you hear Edward?" the vampire in question asked venomously which immediately aroused suspicion in many of those in the room.

"Nothing much. Why?" he prompted causing Bella to stop and almost stutter. She's been caught out on something, but what? She quickly left the room in a panic and it was like everything was much calmer. We could discuss this as adults later, but now everyone went back to acting like nothing had happened more so that Dorothea wouldn't feel guilty for her gift. The four of us were now just relaxing on the floor as the dhampir went back to drawing as if nothing had happened.

"Finished!" she explained excitedly before turning her sketchbook for us to see. The image was incredible for her age, showing a fair amount of detail in the faces on the page. "This is me, mummy and daddy, and here is uncle Felix and aunt Lilith" she pointed out proudly. It showed five people together, on the left of the page was Rose, Emmett and herself stood close together with smiles on her face and nearby on the right side was me and Felix, who you could identify by his comically large height on the page.

Rose and Emmet began complimenting her drawing and I couldn't help but feel the sadness come back again. We could deal with Bella's temper tantrum later, but I was going to miss the trio sat in front of me and dad more than I could imagine, I know I will. But right now it was best to savour the moments we get to have with them before it's too late.

Thank you for reading~

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