Part 2

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I hear the bell ring for us to be dismissed. I quickly begin packing up my stuff and let me tell you, I could not concentrate one bit. Honestly, I don't know why I am still not used to these vampires, not like they will be going anywhere any time soon. I guess it just bothers me that they think of themselves so highly compared to us, humans. I know that they are all mighty and powerful, but it just doesn't give them the right to look down upon us.

"I hope our last year is more exciting. I honestly don't mind some action, you know what I mean," Sarah says with an evil smile while wiggling her eyebrows. I smile, shake my head and walk to our next class.

"Of course you do, you never know though your wish might just come true," I say to her. We reach our next class which was math, we pretty much had all of our classes together besides, Biology. I could not have been more relieved when I found out. I was worried though about biology, dreading to see who will my classmates be.

Lunchtime arrives rather slowly. Come on a girl's gotta eat, not like I had a decent breakfast this morning. Once we arrive at the cafeteria, I take a look around and notice just like always humans were pretty much on one side of the cafeteria and vampires were sitting on the opposite side. No rule forbade us from sitting with them or from interacting with them. I guess this is how it's always been for as long as I can remember and no one dares to change it.

"Ouch" Sarah suddenly cries out. Confused as to what could have caused her to cry out like that, I look to my right and witness Sarah holding her arm and she looked like she was in a lot of pain. Now I know Sarah might be a drama queen in some situations but this looked serious.

"Watch it, human" a guy to her left says. Just then I notice the person the voice belongs to, a wampir. Well, that's what we called a male vampire. As for a female vampire, we liked to refer to them as "wampiezya". I honestly don't know who came up with these silly names. If it was up to me, I would just refer to them as bloodsuckers. Nice and easy.

I was serious when I said, we do not interact with them under any circumstances. Now, standing before us is a very angry male vampire. It seems like any second now, he will snap our necks and drain our blood. Maybe drain our blood, then snap our necks. Yup, that's more like their style.

Now, I might have mentioned before, how good-looking they all were. Although, he probably wanted to wipe us both from the face of this very planet at any moment now. I couldn't help but notice his features. He looked like he was about 6ft tall, with brownish hair and at the moment his eyes were glowing red. Now under normal circumstances, his eyes might be a different colour. Currently, his eyes were a vibrant red easily indicating how furious he was at the moment.

I was really scared for the both of us and it was not helping that the whole cafeteria was watching. Probably, waiting on some action. All that was missing was popcorn.

"Ssorry" Sarah stutters. One glance at Sarah, I could tell she was completely hypnotized by this vampire. I must say hypnotized and scared to death, both at the same time. I will never truly understand her obsession with these creatures, who wholeheartedly despised us. The bloodsucker doesn't seem to like her response. Just before he was about to say something, possibly something rude. Another vampire whispers something in his ear. This makes him walk away, but not before giving us both a death glare, mainly to Sarah.

Once they leave we both release a sign of relief. Sarah slowly gets her colour back, just moments ago, she was white as a ghost.

"Am I daydreaming or did that actually just happen?"Sarah says in short breaths, sounding like she has run a marathon.

"What were you thinking, we were this close to being crushed by that vampire," I say to her with clear frustration in my voice. Now, I know I am a trouble maker myself, but even I wouldn't dare start something with their kind. Plus, I was trying to be on my mother's good books, so that I can finally get that car.

"Chill, he can't touch us. Especially on school grounds, " she says, sounding more like herself now.

"Yeah, on school grounds. How can you be so sure he won't come after us when we are not at school?" I say to her sounding angry now.

"Well you might be right, but we can't drive ourselves crazy now. All I did was accidentally bump into him and I did say I was sorry. He probably already forgot about us by now, " Sarah states. Sounding, as if she was talking about the weather.

"For both our sakes, I hope you are right. I am still too young to die you know" I say to her playfully, not angry anymore.

"I knew you couldn't stay angry at me for too long. Now, let's go have lunch before the bell rings" she says happily. I roll my eyes in response and hurriedly walk to the canteen. Suddenly, remembering how hungry I was.

We quickly grab chicken burgers with fries from the canteen lady and look for an empty seat. Thank God, people seemed to have long forgotten about our encounter with the vampire and are back to their conversations. Although, I did feel some eyes on us. I wouldn't blame them though. It's not every day, they get to witness something like that.

"Don't worry about them, by tomorrow all will be forgotten" Sarah says as we sit down.

"Yeah, I hope so" I respond.

While devouring my burger. I take a look around and notice my brother's friends all sitting at one table with cheerleaders currently keeping them busy. The bimbos were laughing obnoxiously is what made notice them. I don't see my brother anywhere though, not with them or anywhere in the cafeteria.

"Okay, I know he was scary and all. But damn was he handsome" she says dreamily.

I laugh at what she says. Only Sarah can turn our near-death experience into something romantic. This is why she's my best friend, she never disappoints.

Just when I am about to take my last bite. The bell rings, indicating lunchtime is over. We quickly clean up our mess and walk to our lockers.

"Not bad for our first day, I must say. I am disappointed though, we don't have biology together" I grumble.

"I know, but hey look at it this way. We get the chance to interact with people outside of our group"

And by "group" she means just the two us. With this year being our last year of high school, it isn't such a bad idea. We do normally just keep to ourselves. Not that we hate interacting with others. It's just that by now everyone's formed in these groups. I guess that's high school for you. You always get your jocks, cheerleaders, geeks and so on. The only difference would be the vamps, unfortunately.

"Yeah, maybe you're right"

Before I know it last period arrives.


The class I was dreading the most.

I walk into biology and look around for an empty seat. I find one on the right side of the classroom by the window. I hurriedly walk over, before someone else steals it.

I watch as students continue to make their way into the classroom. Humans and vampires. While looking, I couldn't help but feel as if someone was watching me. I look around and find piercing green eyes staring right back at me. There he was the vampire from earlier, sitting at the back and watching me as if a predator was watching his prey.

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