Part 7

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The weekend passes in a blur. I ended up just doing some chores, helping out mom and just mostly chilled in my room.

I know, boring!

Well, after the crazy weekend that I had. I just wanted a break from everything and yes that included taking a break from my crazy best friend. It wasn't easy though, she did blow up my phone the whole time I was avoiding her. I had to send her a message, to let her know I would catch up with her on Monday and only then she left me alone.

Don't get me wrong, I could not imagine my life without her. But, we all have those days, we just want to be left alone. Just go over the things that happened to you and make sure you're not dreaming someone else's life. Well, this was me overthinking everything this weekend.


Well, other than exaggerating about it the whole weekend. I pretty much wasted my time. Instead, I could have done something more productive. I mean, what the hell was I thinking? Why the hell would one of the vampires would have an interest in me? I am a nobody! I am basically out of his league. He would never go for someone like me. I would be wasting my time, believing something could happen between us. When in reality, it just isn't possible. No vampire has ever gotten involved with a human, let alone romantically.

Also, Kieran doesn't seem like a regular vampire. How do I know this? Well for one, everyone around him seems to fear him for some reason and I am not talking about humans. All the vampires at our school seem to walk on thin ice around him. Which, makes it seem like he holds some type of title, if I am not wrong. I guess sometimes, I like to observe and that is what I have noticed.

Anyway, time to move on with my life and forget everything that happened over the weekend. My mundane life shall continue as it is without any complications. I am happy with the way things are or so I tell myself.

Oh and before I forget, to get out of the situation my evil brother put me in. I had to lie obviously, not that I could tell them the truth. I would be grounded for life. So, I told them that Sarah and I had to bail because her little brother needed her. Lame, I know. But, that was the best lie, I could come up with at that moment.

Mom didn't buy it. But, Dad the best Dad that he is, came to my rescue again and changed the topic and saved my ass.

Now, today is Monday. Which means, it is the Monday after the chaotic weekend. Also, it is time to finally face Sarah and Ben. I did send him a text over the weekend to ask if he is doing okay. Which, I never got the reply to. Not that I blame him. I wouldn't text me either. But I still believe, Kieran punched him for a different reason and not because he was going to kiss me. I mean there is no way that Kieran likes me. We all know, that they hate our mere existence.

I got a text from Sarah, that she is here. Quickly, I finish up getting ready, walk down the stairs and yell to my mom that I am leaving and as always she tells me to have breakfast. I leave the house without replying, she will know why once she looks at the time.

Sarah starts honking, once she sees me. What the hell is she trying to do, wake up the universe? I mean, I am sure some people don't have school or work and may be trying to sleep in. I would've been doing that, if I didn't have school.

"Are you crazy, stop honking. You're going to get me in trouble with the neighbours." I yell at her.

"They will get over it" she says, while rolling her eyes at me.

"So tell me what the hell did you do, the whole weekend other than ignoring me, of course?"' She asks me while starting the car and driving away.

" I didn't ignore you, I was just busy helping out Mom!"

" Yeah, I don't believe you. Anyways, if you don't want to tell me, I won't push you. But, know that I will always be here, if you need me" she finishes with sad eyes.

Sarah has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. It makes me feel bad not sharing everything with her and it doesn't help that she can read me like an open book and at times like this, when I just want to keep something a secret and I can't. She knows that I am lying to her and the best friend that she is, she's letting me decide when and if to tell her.

It still makes me feel like shit though! That I hid, what happened in the jungle with Kieran. If I tell her, she will make something out of nothing. Like we are meant to be and all that nonsense. Something in my heart just wants to keep it a secret for now. Maybe someday, I will be able to share it with her. For now, I will just pretend like the weekend didn't happen.

We reached the school parking lot in no time, thanks to Sarah. She turns off the ignition and we both get out of the car at the same time. Immediately, I feel eyes on the both of us. I looked up to see if I was wrong. But, what I witnessed, makes me want to turn back around and never come back again. The whole school staring right at us, specifically at me.

"Is it just me, or is everyone staring?", Sarah whispers.

Too shocked to speak. I speed walk to school and hoping everyone's mistake me for someone else. But, who am I kidding? Of course, everyone remembers what happened over the weekend and those who didn't attend found out from someone else. Nothing can be kept secret in this school, news travelled like wildfire in here.

Sarah keeps quiet until we reach our lockers and only then she lets it all out.

"What the hell was that? Do you think they all found out what happened at the bonfire?"

" why else do you think? No one has ever paid us any attention before and nothing crazy besides the bonfire has happened to us!" I tell her.

"Yeah, you're right. I can't believe everyone found out so fast though!" she says while looking behind us.

I nearly finished putting away my things and getting what I needed for the next two classes and I looked up to see why Sarah suddenly went quiet and I saw her, still looking behind me. I turned around to see what caught her attention and just then I saw Kieran and two of his friends whom he's always with, walking in our direction.

I quickly closed my locker and pulled Sarah along with me.

"What the hell, Amy! Why are you rushing? Sarah nearly shouts.

"Ssshhh, stop shouting. I don't want to face them yet. People are still staring, I don't want any more attention on me!"

" Okay, fine. I need to talk to my English teacher, about the essay we have been assigned. Do you want to come with me?" she asks me.

"Nah, I just going to use the washroom. Then maybe grab something to eat. Since I didn't have breakfast this morning".

"Okay, catch you later then"

She goes left and I go right. I walk towards the bathroom with my phone in my hand and out of nowhere I get pulled so fast, for a second I thought I got a whiplash. One second, I am in the hallway and next, I am in the janitor's closet with the last person, I thought I would be with.

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