Part 4

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Today was Friday, which means tonight was the night for me to come out of my comfort zone. I can't recall the last time, I attended a bonfire. I just never was interested enough to go I guess. Plus with Sarah nagging me constantly this year, I had no choice but to go.

I was kind of dreading seeing Kieran tonight. Not sure if he was going to be there though. I haven't seen him since the first day of school, it has been a week since then. As I am busy doing my homework on my bed. I hear a loud ping from my phone. I check my phone to see that I have a text from Sarah.

Sarah: Make sure your ass is ready for me by 7 pm! I will be picking you up...

Me: Do I have a choice??

Sarah: Nope!

Me: Okay then...

Right now it was 5 pm, which means I still have about 2 hours till Sarah comes to pick me up. I decide to work on my homework for another half an hour, before getting ready for tonight. Satisfied with my homework, I decided to hop in the shower.

After my shower, I do my makeup and put on a little more makeup than I usually do. After blow-drying my hair, I curl the ends. As for my outfit, I decided to go with my skinny black jeans, white crop top and black leathers jacket. After being fully satisfied with my appearance, I check my phone to see Sarah should be here any moment now just then, I get a text from her.

Sarah: I am here, get your pretty ass out!

I smile and shake my head after reading her text. I put on my ankle boots and check myself one last time in the mirror before I make my way out of the house. I already told mom that I would be going to the bonfire tonight and that Samuel will also be going. She never says no as long as Samuel is there to keep an eye on me. I am almost 18 for god's sake and they still treat me a like child. Now you see why I try to annoy her, she just can't seem to treat us the same, just because I am a girl. I am so fed up with this stereotyping.

I spot Sarah right away in our driveway and walk up to her.

"Took you long enough", Sarah says as I open the passenger door.

"Bitch you just got here, not like you were waiting for that long" She laughs at that and pulls out of the driveway.

"Omg, I am so excited for tonight. I still can't believe the vamps will be joining us too. I'll be honest though, I've never really seen them outside of school or at night". Sarah rambles on.

I do agree with her though. As I mentioned before, they don't like our kind. They attend our school because they have to. If not, they wouldn't even breathe around us. As for tonight, the king of all vampires announced that the vamps also had to attend. I am not sure if I am happy with his decision or not. I guess tonight will tell.

" Yeah, let's see how different they appear at night time" I reply. I still haven't told her about Kieran, how he was in my Biology class or how he kept on staring at me. I wanted to but since I haven't seen him for about a week now, I didn't want to scare her unnecessarily. If we are lucky enough, we won't see him anymore. I feel my heart drop with the thought of not seeing him anymore. I am so confused, why am I feeling this way about a stranger and a vampire at that.

"Okay, we have reached our destination. Would you look at that, so many people here tonight" Sarah says cheerfully.

The parking lot was packed, I am surprised we even managed to find one. And Sarah was right there is a lot of people tonight. I notice people in small groups everywhere and people sitting around the big bonfire talking drinking and smoking God knows what.

We get out of the car and make our way down to the bonfire. On our way, I hear people talking and laughing loudly. Some are making out and others just chilling quietly.

"There I see Samuel with his friends by the bonfire," Sarah raises her chin to point them out.

I look to where she pointed and see Samuel with a beer in his hand and talking to two of his friends, Chris and Josh.

"Should we join them?" Sarah asks me.

"Yeah, let's go"

Just as we reach his group, Samuel spots us and nods his head for us to join him.

"Fancy seeing you two here," Samuel says, smiling.

Sarah rolls her eyes at him and I ask him to give us both beers. Beer is not my favourite, but it'll do for now.

Samuel hesitantly gives us both beers, I could tell he was against me drinking. I didn't care though, I wanted to enjoy myself tonight.

"Where are the vampires? I don't think I see them anywhere" Sarah says while sipping her beer.

"They were supposed to be here by now, they are either showing up late or won't even bother coming," Chris decides to voice out his opinion. From his tone, it seems to me that he rather them not show up tonight. I guess not everyone was infatuated with them as Sarah and I.

For the next hour, we were talking and laughed at each other's jokes. I was on my second beer by now and was surprisingly enjoying myself.

"Hey, there you are. I was looking everywhere for you" A voice said as their arm wrapped around my shoulder.

I turn to see Ben, who looks like had too much to drink by now. We weren't close and him putting his hands on me proves that. I awkwardly look around to see if Samuel was witnessing this and no his back was to us at the moment. I didn't hate Ben, I just wasn't interested and my body was currently hating his touch.

"Hey, what's up. I was looking for you too, but couldn't find you" I lie through clenched teeth.

I wanted him to move his arm around my shoulder before I did something that I would regret. Just then I notice everyone looking over my shoulder. I curiously take a look too and catch a glimpse of the vampires making an entrance and what an entrance at that.

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