Chapter Ten

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The morning hadn’t started yet when my eyes opened. I couldn’t tell you what time it was, but the sun had not yet risen, and I could tell no one in my home was awake. Except the harem women.

I could hear their small feet pattering about outside in the hallways, and wanted nothing more to throw open my door and tell them all to leave and to go out and find their mates.

Something I’d never wanted to do before, because those were my women. Hand-picked by me, each and every one of them. Why would I want to send them home?

I groaned to myself, laying back in my bed, my mind played over my thoughts, and I knew something was missing. I could feel it in my bones that there was something off with me, but I couldn’t figure out what it was.

I called the only man I could.

He showed up at my window, and not my door like a normal person would, and I let him in silently.

With one look I could tell he knew what was going on, “What did you do?”

He sat slowly on a chair, and I watched him with wary eyes. “Now, why would make an assumption that I had anything to do with your… issue?”

I growled, angry, “I know you do, Alec. Do not play with me.”

“I did it for your own good, little boy!” his growl was fiercer, and I knew I was messing with a dragon.

I sat in the chair across from him hesitantly, “Well, can you give me a clue as to why you tampered with my memories?” I thought about it, “And if mine are tampered with, then I know you’ve tampered with my families.”

His hood slipped back to show the face of an old man, “Of course I did. I did it for your own good.”

I growled, “Was it something so horrible that you believed I wouldn’t have been able to handle it?”

“I watched you cry. You, a man that barely shed more than a few tears when your parents were murdered in front of you, cried in front of me like a lost child looking for his mother.” I had made the dragon angry. Alec’s face was clouded, and I knew by his look that whatever happened had probably been serious. “Zale, you were in so much pain, she was in so much pain.”

“She?” my eyebrows furrowed, trying to remember, but coming up with nothing.

Alec shook his head and stood up, muttering to himself. I couldn’t make out any normal words, and knew he was speaking in a different language. “Alec, please.”

“No!” was Alec’s shouted reply as he stamped his foot and morphed into a little boy. “It will work. I will find them. It will work.” Pulling at his hair and pacing, the man I had known for a long time fell apart in front of me, “I need her. You need her.”

“Alec, who?” I asked, desperation lacing my voice.

“Artoul,” Alec stopped pacing and stared at me.

“Artoul?” I questioned, knowing the planet well, having just done a business of sorts with them.

Alec grumbled to himself, and walked towards the window, only to evaporate into thin air with no other words. Leaving me standing in the middle of my bedroom, even more confused than I had been when I woke up.

The day dragged on, and I went about my business as usual. I met with my brothers, and told them about what had happened, and they all agreed that they too had been messed with. We all voted on if we were going to visit Artoul or not, to see if we could find anything of value, and the answer was yes.

So, around lunch time, I made the call.

“Zale, what a surprise. I did not expect to hear from you so soon,” the deep voice on the other end of the line stated.

“Well, Clark, I didn’t think I would be calling this soon,” I replied. “But, I have a proposition.”

Clark, Artoul’s leader sighed, “What would that be?”

“My brother’s and I would like to come visit Artoul for maybe a few days?”

The man on the other end of the line sighed, “That should be fine, maybe we can have a little bit of a get together.”

I nodded, even though Clark wouldn’t be able to see me, “Sounds good. When should we make this happen?”

“The sooner the better?” he asked, to which I replied that was fine, “Great! So I will see you tomo-“ his voice was suddenly drowned out by commotion in the background on his end.

“What do you mean she’s with her mother?” Clark’s voice was clouded with emotion, and I felt like I was eavesdropping in on a private conversation. “How did she get out? She just walked out?”

“Clark,” I said, loud enough to get to him, “I will just see you tomorrow. We will arrive around mid-day.”

“Yes, yes that’s fine,” Clark replied, and not really paying attention to me, he hung up.

I set down my communication device and looked at the screen of my intelligence device. I turned it on and began to look at the videos the camera’s caught for the past two days, only to find that most of them had been delete.

I still had three in my system, all taken at the same time, and of the same room. The room was what the people that lived here called the mirror room. The room had two walls that weren’t actually walls, and instead had another window-wall. One wall was filled with mirrors, and the other was blank. The door was hidden among the mirrors, but the cracks for it were still visible.

The room had three cameras in it, all taking video at different angles, and in each one there stood a woman in the middle of the room. She looked small, and had curly auburn hair. I couldn’t see her face, but her body pulled me in, and I could almost feel it pressing against me. I frowned, knowing that that hair color wasn’t a common one here on Tethra, and I knew that none of my harem women had that color of hair.

I watched as the woman on screen raised her hands above her head and began to move. The dance was one I had never seen, but it captivated me as she moved her hips fluidly and began to work her way through the room, spinning and dipping herself to a tune I could not hear.

Was this the she Alec had referred to? Was this the woman he erased from my mind?

The video ended and I was left with even more unanswered questions.


Hey guys! I know this is shorter than usual, but it is what it is, right? Please, let me know what you think/what you like/do not like! I love to hear from you guys!!!!

Also, if you are constantly wondering when I am going to update again, please like the facebook page I made for this! You can find it at:

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Thank you again, guys. You are all amazing<3


        Gabe :)

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